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Download an Email as an EML File

Agent Desktop provides agents the ability to download an email as an EML file. EML files can be downloaded and attached to other cases, giving agents the ability to include previous email interactions from one case in another case.

For more information about emails and cases, see Email and Case tutorials.

An EML file contains a single email and includes:

  • Sender
  • Recipients
  • Message date
  • Message content
  • Subject
  • Replies to the email at the time of download

Download an email as an EML file.


A user must have:

  • Handle Email and Cases privilege
  • Download recordings and transcripts privilege

For more information, see User and Team Privileges.

To download an EML file:

  1. In Agent Desktop, click the download icon.
  2. The browser downloads the EML file named OriginalMessage.eml and saves it in the location specified in the internet browser's settings.

Info.40x40.png Some browsers may prompt for a save location and name before downloading.

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