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Advanced Search

As you work with more customers and fulfill their requests, you will accumulate an extensive collection of cases and contacts. Utilizing advanced search features, you can search through your customer information easily in any language.

Note the privilege to search cases and contacts must be enabled by your contact center's administrator.

Search strings are typed into the search field

Where to Make Advanced Searches

Advanced searches are made in Agent Desktop, section Search & Preview Records, in the search term field. You can search for a wide variety of case and contact information including email addresses, names, date of birth, case numbers, email addresses, and so forth. In the search results, the first 200 cases/contacts are displayed, with the newest entries displayed first.

About Search Strings and Keywords

Search strings are any combination of letters, characters, and numbers entered in the search field with the intent of finding matching information. Search strings are used in conjunction with keywords to conduct advanced searches.

Keywords are words that precede search strings and act as filters to help you find specific kinds of content quickly.

Operators such as AND and OR allow you to combine multiple search conditions. For examples, see the "How to use it" and "Example search" notes for each keyword below.

Available Keywords

The following is a list of recognized keywords; they are organized by either case or contact.

Case Keywords


What it does: The category keyword filters cases by category.
How to use it: The search string can be enclosed in double quotes; however this is optional. Without double quotes, only the first word will be associated with the keyword's search.
Example search: category: "My Team's Service"


What it does: The created keyword filters cases by creation date.
How to use it: The keyword and search string can be separated by the following: =, <, >, >=, <=; the search string shall correspond to the most preferred language/country combination set in your browser. For example, if your preferred combination is English (United States), the expected format will be mm/dd/yyyy, whereas for English (New Zealand) it will be dd/mm/yyyy. The ISO 8601 date format yyyy-mm-dd is supported for all language/country settings.
Example search:

  • created = 08/01/2018
  • created > 8/1/2018
  • created > 8/1/2018 AND created < 8/16/2018


What it does: The email_text keyword finds text contained within the body of an email associated with a case.
How to use it: The search string may be enclosed in double quotes (optional) but it is recommended for multi-word searches; without double quotes, the search will use only the first word after the keyword.
Example search: email_text: "broken on arrival"


What it does: The flagged keyword filters cases that were flagged
How to use it: The search string can contain the following option: "true" or "false"
Example search: flagged: true|false


What it does: The modified keyword filters/sorts cases by the last date of modification.
How to use it: Same as created (see above)
Example search:

  • modified > 08/01/2018
  • modified > 8/1/2018
  • modified > 8/1/2018 AND modified < 8/16/2018


What it does: The number search finds cases by case number; note that the option to search by number does not require the specific keyword number.
How to use it: Entering a search string consisting only of numbers will launch a search for the matching case number.
Example search: 12345


What it does: The notes keyword finds text contained in the notes records from a case's activity history.
How to use it: The search string may be enclosed in double quotes (optional) but it is recommended for multi-word searches; without double quotes, the search will use only the first word after the keyword.
Example search: note: "Replacement requested"


What it does: The pending_reason keyword filters Pending cases by the specific Pending reason; note that these will be specific to your call center.
How to use it: The search string can be enclosed in double quotes; however, this is optional. Without double quotes, only the first word will be associated with the keyword's search.
Example search: pending_reason: "Needs manager approval"


What it does: The reporter keyword filters cases by the name of the customer/ person who contacted your call center.
How to use it: The search string should be enclosed in double quotes. Without double quotes, the search will use the first two words after the keyword. If more than two words are typed in double quotes, the search is split on the first space and will match the rest against the last name. Note that partial names can be entered as well (e.g., name: J D).
Example search: reporter: "John Doe"


What it does: The service keyword filter cases by the services of interactions associated with the case.
How to use it: The search string may be enclosed in double quotes (optional) but it is recommended for multi-word searches; without double quotes, the search will use only the first word after the keyword. Additionally, you may include the Boolean operator AND followed by an additional search term; this will find all emails and cases that contain the additional search term in the subject and/or body and are assigned to the service.
Example search: service: "Maintenance Renewal" AND subscription


What it does: The state keyword filters cases by their states.
How to use it: The keyword and search string should be separated by a colon (:); multiple values can be separated by OR. Note that in the current version state is case sensitive.
Example search: case: New OR Open


What it does: The subject keyword finds text contained in an email's subject line.
How to use it: The search string may be enclosed in double quotes (optional) but it is recommended for multi-word searches; without double quotes, the search will use only the first word after the keyword.
Example search: subject: "forgot password"

Contact Keywords


What it does: The address keyword filters contacts by the contact record fields associated with address; the recognized fields are the following: address line1 or address line 2, city, state/province, and postcode
How to use it: The keyword and search string should be separated by a colon (:)
Example search: address: 123 Fake St.


What it does: The company keyword finds contacts with a matching company name.
How to use it: The keyword and search string should be separated by a colon (:) and the search string can be enclosed in double quotes. Note that partial names can be entered.
Example search: company: "Warehousing Inc"


What it does: The dob keyword finds contacts with a matching date of birth.
How to use it: The keyword and search string should be separated by a colon (:). Also, the month-date versus date-month order should be specific to your country (e.g., mm/dd/yyyy for the US).
Example search: dob: 07/30/1983


What it does: The email keywords finds contacts with a matching email address.
How to use it:

  • Use email: filter, followed by the desired part of the email address, to search for any part of an email address (e.g., email:masha). A search for “email:ma” could return results such as “,” “,” and so forth.
  • Include the “@” symbol to find email addresses (e.g., masha@).
  • Put the email address in quotes to find only complete email addresses (e.g., ""). These email addresses can be in the email address fields or anywhere else in text, such as in the email body, the subject line, or in notes.
  • Enter the email address without quotes to get the widest possible search (e.g., Without quotes, the search treats periods and the "@" sign as whitespace. Without quotes, the search splits the email address into individual words and tries to find emails/cases with the most matching words. Such a search, for example might even bring up another contact's email because some matching words appeared in the case history.
  • Place an asterisk (*) in front of partial email addresses to search for matches (e.g., *masha@). The asterisk serves as a wildcard.

Example search: email:, email:john, john@, "",, *john@


What it does: The first_name keyword finds contacts with a matching first name.
How to use it: The keyword and search string should be separated by a colon (:). Note that partial names can be entered.
Example search: first_name: John


What it does: The last_name keyword finds contacts with a matching first name.
How to use it: The keyword and search string should be separated by a colon (:). Note that partial names can be entered.
Example search: last_name: Doe


What it does: The name keyword finds contacts with a matching first and last name.
How to use it: The keyword and search string should be separated by a colon (:). The search string should be enclosed in double quotes. Without double quotes, the search will use the first two words after the keyword. If more than two words are typed in quotes, the search is split on first space, matching the rest against the last name. Note that partial names can be entered as well (e.g., name: J D).
Example search: name: "John Doe"


What it does: The phone keyword finds contacts with a matching phone number.
How to use it: The keyword and search string should be separated by a colon (:).
Example search: phone: (415) 555 1212


What it does: The position keyword finds contacts with a matching position.
How to use it: The keyword and search string should be separated by a colon (:). Note that partial words can be entered.
Example search: position: Engineer


What it does: The segment keyword finds contacts with a matching segment.
How to use it: The keyword and search string should be separated by a colon (:). Note that partial words can be entered.
Example search: segment: gold


What it does: The title keyword finds contacts with a matching title (e.g., Mr., Mrs., Miss).
How to use it: The keyword and search string should be separated by a colon (:).
Example search: title: Mr.


What it does: The URL keyword finds contacts with a matching company URL.
How to use it: The keyword and search string should be separated by a colon (:). A substring can be typed (i.e., "example" must match ""). Note that the keyword is not case specific.

Example search: url: ""

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