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Using URL Variations To Access Case and Contact Information

In Search & Preview Records, you may notice the link button Link-Contact-Button-53.PNG. This button copies the URL of case or contact information to the clipboard, making it possible for you to paste and share the URL with other agents or supervisors in your contact center.

It is possible, however, to bypass using the link button and instead manually enter the same URL information or variations of it; manually entering such information may allow you to access more specific case and contact information.

The following is a list of recognized URL variations that may be manually entered to allow you access to specific case and contact information. URLs may be entered into your web browser's search bar, into the search bar, or the Contact Search AD-Contact-Search-Top-53.PNG shortcut found at the top of the screen to access the case.

Cases URL Variations

If using the cases link button, the pasted URL will be presented in the format <domain>/agentdesktop/case/id/<actual id number> (e.g., http[s]://

The following is a list of recognized URL variations that may be manually entered to access case information:

  • <domain>/agentdesktop/case/number/<case number> (e.g., http[s]://
  • <domain>/agentdesktop/case/<case number> (e.g., http[s]://

If case links are pasted in internal chats, they may be displayed in the following formats for the most compact view:

  • case/id/<id> (e.g., case/id/5ca2f3eed04fd756afcca6c6)
  • case/number/<case number> (e.g., case/number/1099)
  • case/<case number> (e.g., case/1099)

Contact URL Variations

If using the contacts link button, the pasted URL will be presented in the format <domain>/agentdesktop/contact/id/<id number>/<tab within case> (e.g., http[s]://

The following is a list of recognized URL variations that may be manually entered to access contact information:

  • <domain>/agentdesktop/contact/id/<id>/<optional tab within case> (e.g., http[s]://
  • <domain>/agentdesktop/contact/currentcontact/<details|activities|pending|cases> (e.g., http[s]://

If contact links are pasted in internal chats, they may be displayed in the following formats for the most compact view: