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• 5.19

Monitor Call

The Monitor Call scenario block allows you to monitor agents from an ongoing IVR call. The block must be enabled by a tenant feature "Remote agent/service monitoring".

Info.40x40.png When the feature is turned off, the block is not displayed in the Scenario Engine palette, and scripts that have this block already will cause an exception during execution when this block is about to be executed.

This scenario block allows for monitoring active calls. This is authenticated with a PIN number associated with your user account that has the Remote call monitoring permission enabled. After being authenticated, an extension number can (optionally) be provided to monitor a call on a specific agent, or a random call on a specified service.

Users with the Remote call monitoring permission call a number associated with an IVR scenario and enter a PIN associated with the agent to monitor. The user is then prompted to enter an agent's extension number. If the agent has any calls, the user is connected to the call in progress.


A scenario for call monitoring

Title text

The name of the instance of the block (any name).

Agent's digital id (extension)

The configured softphone number of the monitoring user. This user should have the Remote call monitoring permission.

Over the phone agent PIN

The PIN number associated with the user account above.


The type of monitoring to configure. Selecting User will allow you to monitor a particular user. Selecting Service will allow you to monitor a random user for a particular service.


Select a service from the drop-down that you'd like to monitor. Selecting <Current> means the service previously defined in the IVR call. This is either in the Scenario Entry or using the Set Service block.

User's ID, login or digital ID (extension)

The configured softphone number of the user to be monitored.

Escape button for caller to stop monitoring

This is the button that will exit when it is pushed during the call.

Conditional Exit

Access Denied

This exit is taken when the permissions for the user is not sufficient.

No active calls

This exit is taken when there are no calls to monitor or if the user or service was not found.

Escape Digit

This exit is taken when the button defined in Escape button for caller to stop monitoring is pushed during the call.

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