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Archive Tab


Services & Campaigns > select a campaign > Archive

The Archive tab provides a list view of archived campaign results. For events that trigger campaign results archiving, see the description of the Services and Campaigns - Results tab. Campaign results are stored in .ZIP files.

  • To download a selected archive, click Download.
  • To delete an archive that you no longer need, click x.

Users can download multiple archives as separate files (the default option) or as a single file.

  • If users choose the separate files option, each archive will be downloaded as a separate csv file within a zip folder. This can be useful if users want to keep the data from different archives separate and organized.
  • If users choose the single file option, the records from all selected archives will be consolidated into a single csv file and downloaded as a compressed zip file. This option can be convenient if users want to analyze the data from multiple archives together.

  • Multiple selection is available for the last 200 archives.
  • Up to 20 archives can be selected for a single download.
  • The total size of the compressed file should not exceed 100MB.

Storage of archived campaign results is typically defined by the terms and conditions of your service contract. Expired archives are deleted automatically.

Info.40x40.png All archived campaign results are deleted automatically when the campaign is deleted.

Download multiple archives from the Archive tab

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