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List of All Real-Time Metrics

The following is a list of real-time metrics. The metrics are listed in alphabetical order by their full name; shortened names will be shown in parenthesis if available. Wallboard and Dashboard names will also be listed where applicable.

For a full list of the vocabulary used in metrics definitions, see Glossary. Additionally, for a list of all metrics by category, see Real-Time Metrics by Category. A grid view of these metrics can also be found in List of Statistics in the Real-Time Statistic API guide.

Note: Formula-based metrics with no interactions in the denominator or across all averages or percentages will show an empty value. This is different from a valid "zero" value, and does not affect totals on historical reports.

Agent Idle Time (Idle Time)

Metrics categories: Agent, Campaign

Agent Idle Time is the current idle time for agents, which is the number of seconds an agent has waited since the last interaction; it is calculated as the difference between the current time and time of last agent state change. Note that Idle Time includes Not Ready time.

Agent State

Metrics category: Agent

Agent State displays the current agent state in text form. For the Not Ready state, this metric includes the reason for not being ready, if available. Note that the same information is shown as an icon preceding agent’s name. Agent states and icons are explained in detail in the Bright Pattern Contact Center Agent Guide, section Understanding and Handling Your States.

Agent Login Time

Metrics category: Agent

Agent Login Time shows how much time has elapsed since the moment that the agent logged on to the system.

Agents Busy With Interactions of This Service (Busy Svc)

Wallboard name: Agents busy with this service
Metrics categories: Campaign, Service

Agents Busy With Interactions of This Service provides the number of agents who are currently handling interactions associated with the given service. This metric includes agents in the ACW state with respect to such interactions.

Agents in ACW State (ACW Count)

Metrics category: Campaign, Service, Team

Agents in ACW State is the number of agents currently handling After Call Work (ACW). When displayed as a total for several services, this metric shows the total number of distinct agents with the given service skill(s) in this state. Agents with skills corresponding to multiple services in the set are counted once.

Agents Ready (Ready)

Wallboard name: Matching agents ready
Metrics categories: Campaign, Skill, Service, Team

Agents Ready is the number of agents in Ready state. When displayed as a total for several services, this metric shows the total number of distinct agents with the given service skill(s) in this state. Agents with skills corresponding to multiple services in the set are counted once.

Average ACW Time (Avg ACW Time or AACW)

Dashboard name: AACW
Metrics category: Agent, Campaign, Service, Team

Average ACW Time is the average daily time agents spend handling After Call Work (ACW).

When displayed as a total for several services, this metric shows the average across all services in the set (i.e., it is calculated as the total sum of all durations across all services divided by the total sum of all interactions across all services).

Average Handle Time (IN Avg Handle Time)

Wallboard name: Average handle time
Metrics category: Agent, Campaign, Service, Team

Average Handle Time is the average time, including hold time and after-call-work time, that the agent has answered and handled calls to the service. If no interactions have been handled since the reset time, the metric shows an empty field.

When displayed as a total for several services, this metric shows the average across all services in the set (i.e., it is calculated as the total sum of all durations across all services divided by the total sum of all interactions across all services).

Average Idle Time (Avg Idle Time)

Wallboard name: Average idle time of matching agents
Metrics categories: Agent, Campaign, Service, Team

Average Idle Time is the average time that agents have waited between the handling of service interactions. When displayed as a total for several services, this metric shows the average across all services in the set (i.e., it is calculated as the total sum of all durations across all services divided by the total sum of all interactions across all services). Note that Avg Idle Time includes Not Ready time.

Average Preview Time (Avg Preview Time)

Wallboard name: Average preview time of matching agents
Metrics categories: Agent, Campaign, Service

Average Preview Time is the average time that agents reviewed records of previewed outbound campaigns, from the moment the preview record was accepted by agents and until it was either dialed or skipped. When displayed as a total for several services, this metric shows the average across all services in the set (i.e., it is calculated as the total sum of all durations across all services divided by the total sum of all interactions across all services).

Average Sentiment (Sentiment)

Metrics categories: Agent, Campaign

Average Sentiment is the average current sentiment of calls. When displayed as a total for several services, this metric shows the average across all services in the set (i.e., it is calculated as the total sum of all durations across all services divided by the total sum of all interactions across all services).

Average Speed of Answer/Reply (IN ASA)

Wallboard name: Average speed of answer/reply
Metrics categories: Service

Average Speed of Answer is the average time that the calls waited in the service queue before being answered. Average Time to Reply is the average time between email arrival and the sending of the first meaningful reply (acknowledgment is not considered a meaningful reply). This metric is a cumulative statistic calculated for all interactions since the reset time. When displayed as a total for several services, this metric shows the average across all services in the set (i.e., it is calculated as the total sum of all durations across all services divided by the total sum of all interactions across all services) and is common for both inbound calls and emails.

Note: If ACW is set for an email service, then this metric is changed only after an agent leaves the ACW state.

Average Success Rate - percentage of successful call attempts (ASR %)

Metrics category: Campaign

Average Success Rate is the percentage of successful call attempts out of the last several hundred call attempts made (250 attempts, by default). This metric is used to adjust the calling rate of a predictive campaign to achieve optimal occupancy of available agents without losing answered calls. Thus, the successful call attempt is defined as any call attempt that was answered and queued for delivery to an agent.

Busy Agents (Busy)

Wallboard name: Matching agents busy
Metrics categories: Campaign, Service, Team

Matching Agents Busy is the number of agents in a Busy state. When displayed as a total for several services, this metric shows the total number of distinct agents with the given service skill(s) in this state. Agents with skills corresponding to multiple services in the set are counted once.

Calendar Reminders (CAL Reminders)

Metrics categories: Agent, Team

Calendar Reminders is the number of entries in the calendar events queue with time in the future, allowing supervisors to see how many recalls are set up by team, per agent.

Calendar Reminders in the Past (CAL Overdue)

Metrics categories: Agent, Team

Calendar Reminders in the Past is the number of entries in the calendar events queue with time in the past, allowing supervisors to see how many recalls are overdue per team, per agent.

Call Handling Rate Per Hour (HR)

Dashboard name: HR
Metrics categories: Campaign, Team

Call Handling Rate Per Hour is the average of all calls made per agent per hour.

Callbacks Currently Waiting in Queue (CB Waiting)

Wallboard name: Callbacks in queue now
Metrics categories: Campaign, Service

Callbacks Currently Waiting in Queue is the current number of callback requests currently waiting in the virtual queue associated with the given service.

Callbacks Requested for the Day (CB Requested)

Wallboard name: Callbacks requested
Metrics categories: Campaign, Service

Callbacks requested is the number of inbound calls to the given service for the day that have chosen the callback option. Note that this metric counts calls; therefore, if one call has requested the callback option multiple times, it will be counted once by this metric.

Campaign Mode (Mode)

Metrics category: Campaign

Campaign Mode displays the current dialer mode for a campaign ("preview, progressive, predictive").

Completed Records in Active Lists (Lists Completed)

Wallboard name: Completed records in active lists
Metrics categories: Campaign, List, Service

Completed Records in Active Lists is the number of records in active lists that have been marked as completed.

Completed Records with Personal Agent Assignments (Lists P.A. Completed or P.A. Completed)

Wallboard name: Completed records with personal agent assignments
Metrics categories: Agent, Campaign, List, Service

Completed Records with Personal Agent Assignments returns the number of personally assigned records completed since the beginning of the campaign. This metric is meaningful for both preview and progressive campaigns.

Count of Selected Dispositions

Wallboard name: Count of selected dispositions
Metrics categories: Service

Count of Selected Dispositions displays the total number of dispositions that are available for a given call service and then selected per interaction per day.

Current Hold

Wallboard name: Active item: current hold duration
Metrics categories: Agent

Current Hold displays the seconds since an interaction was last put on hold. Value is empty for interactions that are not currently on hold.

Custom Survey Metric 1 (Survey 1)

Wallboard name: Custom Survey Metric 1
Metrics categories: Agent, Service, Team

Custom Survey Metric 1 is the average percentage of customer survey responses based on a given metric within the survey. This number is calculated by taking the sum of all values, then dividing them by the total number of interactions, where surveys exist (i.e., the Save Survey Results block was used).

Custom Survey Metric 2 (Survey 2)

Wallboard name: Custom Survey Metric 2
Metrics categories: Agent, Service, Team

Custom Survey Metric 2 is the average percentage of customer survey responses based on an additional metric within the survey. This number is calculated by taking the sum of all values, then dividing them by the total number of interactions, where surveys exist (i.e., the Save Survey Results block was used).

Customer Satisfaction (CSAT)

Wallboard name: Customer Satisfaction
Metrics categories: Agent, Service, Team

Customer Satisfaction is the average result of surveys where the customer satisfaction question has been answered.


Metrics categories: Campaign

Effective counts the number of agents available to process calls for a given campaign. An agent is deemed available when they are in a Ready state or currently handling a campaign call (excluding agents currently handling non-campaign interactions). If an agent has skills for multiple active campaigns, the Effective metric will show a split count value (e.g. for two campaigns, each campaign will show 0.5).

When compared with the existing generic Ready and Busy metrics, the Effective metric provides a more precise picture of resources currently available to work on campaigns that you are monitoring, especially when your agents are handling calls for multiple campaigns or are also helping with inbound voice/chat traffic.

Estimated Campaign Duration (Est Duration)

Wallboard name: Estimated campaign duration
Metrics categories: Campaign, Service

Estimated Campaign Duration is the estimated length of time a campaign will run today with enough records to keep all logged-in agents busy.

Estimated Wait Time (IN EWT)

Wallboard name: Estimated wait time
Metrics categories: Campaign, Service

Estimated Wait Time is the estimated time a client will wait before being serviced. This metric includes callback requests. When this metric is displayed as a total for several services, it shows the value for the service where the wait time is currently the longest.

First Call Resolution (FCR)

Wallboard name: First Call Resolution
Metrics categories: Agent, Service, Team

First Call Resolution is the percentage of calls resolved by agents during a customer's first call. This number is calculated by dividing the sum of interactions marked as First Call Resolution by all interactions where save survey exists (i.e., the Save Survey Results block was used).

Inbound Calls Abandoned for the Day (IN Total Abandoned)

Wallboard name: Inbound abandoned
Metrics categories: Campaign, Service

Inbound Calls Abandoned for the Day is the number of inbound interactions terminated by the originating party.

Inbound Calls Abandoned in IVR for the Day (IN IVR Abandoned)

Wallboard name: Inbound abandoned in IVR
Metrics categories: Campaign, Service

Inbound Calls Abandoned in IVR for the Day is the number of inbound interactions terminated while being serviced by an IVR application.

Inbound Calls Abandoned in Queue for the Day (IN Queue Abandoned)

Wallboard name: Inbound abandoned in queue
Metrics categories: Campaign, Service

Inbound Calls Abandoned in Queue for the Day is the number of inbound interactions terminated by the originating party while waiting in queue.

Inbound Calls Abandoned While Ringing for the Day (IN Ringing Abandoned)

Wallboard name: Inbound abandoned while ringing
Metrics categories: Campaign, Service

Inbound Calls Abandoned While Ringing for the Day is the number of inbound calls terminated by the originating party while the line is ringing.

Inbound Calls Currently in IVR (IN in IVR)

Wallboard name: Inbound in IVR now
Metrics categories: Campaign, Service

Inbound Calls Currently in IVR is the number of inbound calls currently being processed by an IVR application.

Inbound Calls Currently Ringing (IN Ringing)

Wallboard name: Inbound ringing on agents now
Metrics categories: Campaign, Service

Inbound Calls Currently Ringing is the number of inbound calls currently ringing for agents.

Inbound Calls Dropped by System in IVR for the Day (IN IVR Dropped)

Wallboard name: Inbound dropped by system in IVR
Metrics categories: Campaign, Service

Inbound Calls Dropped by System in IVR for the Day is the number of inbound calls that have been disconnected by the system while being processed by an IVR application.

Inbound Calls Dropped by System in Queue for the Day (IN Queue Dropped)

Wallboard name: Inbound dropped by system in queue
Metrics categories: Campaign, Service

Inbound Calls Dropped by System in Queue for the Day is the number of inbound calls that have been disconnected by the system while waiting in queue.

Inbound Calls Dropped by System While Ringing for the Day (IN Ringing Dropped)

Wallboard name: Inbound dropped by system while ringing
Metrics categories: Campaign, Service

Inbound Calls Dropped by System While Ringing for the Day is the number of inbound calls that have been disconnected by the system while ringing.

Inbound Calls Duration Average for the Day (IN Avg Talk Time)

Wallboard name: Inbound duration average
Metrics categories: Agent, Campaign, Service

Inbound Calls Duration Average for the Day is the average of talk time of IN Handled calls. When displayed as a total for several services, this metric shows the average across all services in the set (i.e., it is calculated as the total sum of all durations across all services divided by the total sum of all interactions across all services).

Inbound Calls Duration Total for the Day (IN Total Talk Time)

Wallboard name: Inbound duration total
Metrics categories: Agent, Campaign, Service

Inbound Calls Duration Total for the Day is the sum of talk time of IN Handled calls.

Inbound Calls First Time Queued for the Day (IN Queued Unique)

Wallboard name: Inbound queued unique
Metrics category: Campaign

Inbound Calls First Time Queued for the Day is the number of inbound calls that entered queued state for the first time. This includes both inbound calls and callbacks dialed and answered by the customer.

Inbound Calls in IVR, Queue or on Agents Now (IN Calls in Progress)

Wallboard name: Inbound in IVR, queue or on agents now
Metrics categories: Campaign, Service

Inbound in IVR, Queue or on Agents Now is the number of in-progress, inbound calls that are in either IVR, service queue, or being handled by agents.

Inbound Calls Queued for the Day (IN Queued)

Wallboard name: Inbound queued
Metrics categories: Campaign, Service

Inbound Calls Queued for the Day is the number of inbound calls that enter a queued state for the day. This includes both inbound calls and callbacks dialed and answered by the customer.

Inbound Calls Rejected or Unanswered by Agents for the Day (IN Rejected)

Wallboard name: Inbound rejected or missed by agents
Metrics categories: Agent, Campaign, Service

Inbound Calls Rejected or Unanswered by Agents for the Day is the number of times agent state was moved by the system to not the Not Ready state. This includes both inbound calls and callbacks dialed and answered by the customer.

Inbound Calls Released by Agents for the Day (IN Agent Disconnected)

Wallboard name: Inbound released by agents
Metrics categories: Agent, Campaign, Service

Inbound Calls Released by Agents for the Day is the number of inbound calls disconnected by agents while talking to callers for the day. This includes both inbound calls and callbacks dialed and answered by the customer.

Inbound Calls Released by Callers for the Day (IN Remote Disconnected)

Wallboard name: Inbound released by callers
Metrics categories: Campaign, Service

Inbound Calls Released by Callers for the Day is the number of inbound calls ended by callers.

Inbound Calls Routed to Agents for the Day (IN Routed)

Wallboard name: Inbound routed to agents
Metrics categories: Campaign, Service

Inbound Calls Routed to Agents for the Day is the number of inbound calls that were queued and then routed to agents for the day.

Inbound Calls Self Serviced for the Day (IN Self Serviced)

Wallboard name: Inbound self serviced
Metrics categories: Campaign, Service

Inbound Calls Self Serviced for the Day is the number of inbound calls disconnected by the caller in IVR state with self-service flag set. This includes both inbound calls and callbacks dialed and answered by the customer.

Inbound Calls Short Abandoned in Queue for the Day (IN Queue Sh-Abandoned)

Wallboard name: Inbound short-abandoned in queue
Metrics categories: Campaign, Service

Inbound Calls Short Abandoned in Queue for the Day is the number of inbound interactions that have been terminated by the originating party while waiting in the service queue before the configured Service Level threshold.

Inbound Emails Carried Over from Previous Day (IN Carried Over)

Wallboard name: Inbound emails carried over
Metrics categories: Agent, Campaign, Service

Inbound Emails Carried Over from Previous Day is the number of inbound emails that arrived at this service at any time before the reset time and remained unprocessed at the reset time. This metric includes both new emails and emails related to existing threads.

Inbound Emails Carried Over from Previous Day for New Cases (IN Carried Over New)

Wallboard name: Inbound emails carried over from previous day
Metrics categories: Agent, Campaign, Service

Inbound Emails Carried Over from Previous Day for New Cases is the number of inbound emails that arrived at this service the day before the reset time and remained unprocessed at the reset time. This metric includes both new emails and emails related to existing threads.

Inbound Emails Closed Without Reply for the Day (IN Closed)

Wallboard name: Inbound emails dispositioned without reply
Metrics categories: Agent, Campaign, Service

Inbound Emails Closed Without Reply for the Day is the number of inbound emails that have had been assigned a disposition but have not been replied to.

Inbound Emails Currently on Agents, Saved in Personal Queues (IN Desktop)

Wallboard name: Inbound emails in personal queues now
Metrics categories: Agent, Campaign, Service

Inbound Emails Currently on Agents, Saved in Personal Queues is the current number of inbound emails that have been pulled into an agent's personal queue. Note that this metric is not a number of cases, except in the specific situation when each case originates from an inbound email and contains only one inbound email. For more information about the difference between cases and emails, see the Agent Guide, section Cases, Email, and Threads.

Inbound Emails Currently on Agents, Saved in Personal Queues, Waiting in Excess of SLA Time (IN Breached SLA)

Metrics categories: Agent, Campaign, Service

Inbound Emails Currently on Agents, Saved in Personal Queues, Waiting in Excess of SLA Time is processed emails that remained in agent personal queues that were not replied within the service level agreement (SLA) time.

Inbound Emails Offered to Agent for the Day (IN Offered)

Metrics categories: Agent, Campaign

Inbound Emails Offered to Agent for the Day is the total number of emails that were pushed to the agent in the given reporting interval. This metric does not include pulled or manually assigned emails.

Inbound Emails Pulled by Agent for the Day (IN Pulled)

Wallboard name: Inbound emails pulled by agent
Metrics categories: Agent, Campaign

Inbound Emails Pulled by Agent for the Day is the total number of emails that were pulled by the agent from the service queues in the given reporting interval. Approval queues are excluded.

Inbound Emails Replied for the Day (IN Replied)

Wallboard name: Inbound emails replied
Metrics categories: Agent, Campaign, Service

Inbound Emails Replied for the Day is the number of inbound emails that agents have replied to.

Note: If ACW is set for an email service, then this metric is changed only after an agent leaves the ACW state.

Inbound Emails Unanswered for the Day (IN Ignored)

Wallboard name: Inbound emails not accepted
Metrics categories: Agent, Campaign, Service

Inbound emails not accepted is the number of emails that were pushed to the agent and not accepted (returned back to queue or transferring agent). It does not include emails that went into receiving agent personal queue

Inbound Interactions Being Put on Hold by Agent(s) for the Day (IN on Hold)

Wallboard name: Inbound held
Metrics categories: Agent, Campaign

Inbound Interactions Being Put on Hold by Agent(s) for the Day is the number of inbound service calls put on hold by a user during her login session. The counter is reset when the user logs out.

Inbound Interactions Currently in IVR, Queue or on Agents (IN in Progress)

Metrics categories: Campaign, Service

Inbound Interactions Currently in IVR, Queue or on Agents counts the number of interactions currently in IVR with a particular Service as well as the number of interactions ringing or connected to agents for the service. It does not count the interactions in wrap-up state.

Note: If ACW is set for an email service, then this metric is changed only after an agent leaves the ACW state.

Inbound Interactions Currently in Queue (IN Waiting)

Dashboard name: Q
Wallboard name: Inbound in queue now
Metrics categories: Campaign, Skill, Service

Inbound Interactions Currently in Queue is the number of inbound calls currently in queued state. This includes both inbound calls and callbacks dialed and answered by the customer.

Inbound Interactions Currently Handled by Agents (IN Active)

Wallboard name: Inbound handled by agents now
Metrics categories: Agent
Inbound Interactions Currently Handled by Agents provides the number of inbound interactions currently being actively handled by agents. This metric includes all inbound interactions in the agents’ active communications list (ACL), except the ones in the ACW phase. Note that emails in agents’ My Queues are not considered active and are not included in this count.

Note that in earlier versions of Bright Pattern Contact Center, the voice-only equivalent of this metric was called IN Talking.

Inbound Interactions Handled by Agents for the Day (IN Handled)

Dashboard name: CH
Wallboard name: Inbound handled by agents
Metrics categories: Agent, Campaign, Service

Inbound Interactions Handled by Agents for the Day is the number of inbound interactions that have been handled by agents since the beginning of the day interval; it includes successful virtual queue callbacks. This metric will count all instances of possible transfers and conferences as separate interactions. For emails, this metric includes IN Replied, IN Closed, IN Transferred, and IN Svc Changed.

Note: If ACW is set for an email service, then this metric is changed only after an agent leaves the ACW state.

Inbound Interactions Received for the Day (IN Received)

Wallboard name: Inbound received
Metrics categories: Campaign, Service

Inbound Interactions Received for the Day is the number of inbound interactions that have requested this service since reset time. For emails, this metric includes both new emails and emails related to existing threads. Interactions received via transfer or service change are not included.

Inbound Interactions Received for the Day for New Cases (IN Received New)

Wallboard name: Inbound emails that created new cases
Metrics categories: Campaign, Service

Inbound Interactions Received for the Day for New Cases is the number of inbound emails which create new cases for the day. This metric excludes emails related to existing email threads.

Inbound Interactions Transferred by Agents for the Day (IN Transferred)

Dashboard name: CT
Wallboard name: Inbound transferred away
Metrics categories: Agent, Campaign, Service

Inbound Interactions Transferred by Agents for the Day is the number of inbound interactions that have been transferred to an external service.

Inbound Service Level Target

Wallboard name: Inbound Service Level target
Metrics categories: Campaign, Service

Inbound Service Level Target the target percentage of inbound interactions being serviced; this number is configured by system administrators.

Inbound Service Level Threshold

Wallboard name: Inbound Service Level threshold
Metrics categories: Campaign, Service

Inbound Service Level Threshold is the amount of time allotted to inbound service interactions.

Inbound Transfers Received for the Day (IN Transfers)

Wallboard name: Inbound received as transfers
Metrics categories: Agent, Campaign, Service

Inbound Transfers Received for the Day is the number of inbound call transfers.

Last Updated

Wallboard name: Last updated
Metrics categories:

Displays a timestamp denoting when the calling list was updated. This value is empty if there have been no updates since the list was created.

The value is updated when the following events occur:

  • Periodic list update
  • Manual update (button Run import now)
  • List management API methods: Add many records, Add record, Update record (deferred to List API 3.0 release)
  • List import via SFDC integration

Logged-in Agents (Logged In)

Wallboard name: Matching agents logged-in
Metrics categories: Campaign, Skill, Service, Team

Logged-in Agents is the number of agents currently logged into Agent Desktop in any state except Supervising. When displayed as a total for several services, this metric shows the total number of distinct agents with the given service skill(s) in this state. Agents with skills corresponding to multiple services in the set are counted once.

Max Inbound Wait Time (IN Max Wait)

Dashboard name: WT
Wallboard name: Inbound longest wait now
Metrics categories: Campaign, Skill, Service

Max Inbound Wait Time provides the current wait time of the inbound interaction that has been waiting in queue the longest and is still unanswered. These interactions include inbound calls, callbacks dialed and answered by customers, inbound chats, and inbound emails. Interactions that have been requeued show the service currently being waited upon, but calculates the total waiting time since the interaction first entered the service queue. When shown as a total for several services, this metric shows the service with the longest wait time.

For inbound email interactions, this metric shows the current wait time of the email waiting the longest in the queue. This wait time includes service closure hours and is available for Push and Pull distribution modes.

If there are no interactions waiting in queue, the metric shows an empty field.

For email services, this metric is updated once per hour.

Most Frequent Dispositions (Top Dispositions)

Metrics category: Agent

Most Frequent Dispositions is the 10 most frequent dispositions set by an agent.

My ACW Time (ACW Time)

Metrics category: Agent

My ACW Time is the total number of seconds an agent was in ACW state. This metric is counted per agent per day.

My Break Time (BT)

Wallboard name: Break time total
Metrics category: Agent

My Break Time counts the total time the agent spends in Not Ready states with reasons marked as "counts toward break time".

My Busy Time (Busy Time)

Metrics category: Agent

My Busy Time is the total number of seconds an agent was in the Busy state. This metric is counted per agent, per day.

My Ready Time (Ready Time)

Metrics category: Agent

My Ready Time is the total number of seconds an agent was in the Ready state. This metric is counted per agent, per day.

My Success Rate (SR)

Dashboard name: SR
Wallboard name: Success rate
Metrics category: Agent, Campaign

My Success Rate is the percentage of calls handled per agent that received the Success disposition type divided by the total number of calls with this service. This metric is calculated for all services the agent handles.

My Team Success Rate (TR)

Dashboard name: TR
Wallboard name: Success rate
Metrics category: Campaign, Team

My Team Success Rate is the percentage of calls handled per team that received the Success disposition type divided by the total number of calls with this service. This metric is calculated with break-downs per service and per team.

Net Promoter Score (NPS)

Wallboard name: Net Promoter Score
Metrics categories: Agent, Service, Team

Net Promoter Score (NPS) is the percentage of points for all surveys where a response was given for the contact satisfaction question. The percentage is calculated out of the number of interactions, where surveys exist (i.e., the Save Survey Results block was used). The percentage is calculated by subtracting the percentage of promoters (values 9 and 10) by the percentage of detractors (values 0-6). For more information about NPS, see

Next State

Wallboard name: Next State
Metrics category: Agent

Next State indicates what an agent's next state will be- either Ready or Not Ready.

Next Not Ready Reason

Wallboard name: Next Not Ready Reason
Metrics Category: Agent

If an agent's Next State is Not Ready, Next Not Ready Reason indicates the reason (break, lunch etc.)

Not Ready Agents (Not Ready)

Wallboard name: Matching agents not ready
Metrics categories: Campaign, Service, Team

Not Ready Agents is the number of agents in Not Ready state. When displayed as a total for several services, this metric shows the total number of distinct agents with the given service skill(s) in this state. Agents with skills corresponding to multiple services in the set are counted once.

Number of Inbound Emails Joined to Already Existing Case, Per Day (IN Joined)

Wallboard name: Inbound emails for existing queued cases
Metrics categories: Agent, Campaign, Service

Number of Inbound Emails Joined to Already Existing Case, Per Day is the total number of inbound emails for this service that have been joined to already existing cases.

Number of Interactions on Agent (Active)

Metric Categories: Agent, Campaign

Number of Interactions on Agent provides the number of interactions that are currently being actively handled by the agent (i.e., inbound and outbound). This metric includes all interactions in the agents’ Active Communications List (ACL), including the ones in the ACW stage. Emails in agents’ My Queues are not considered active and are not included in this count. If an agent has more than one active interaction, clicking on the value of this metric will “unfold” the agent’s row into a list showing information about all interactions that are currently being handled by this agent. Note that in earlier versions of Bright Pattern Contact Center, the related metrics used to be called # Calls and # Chats, and email My Queue used to be called Personal Queue.

Number of Interactions Re-categorized from a Different Service by Agents (IN Svc Change Received)

Wallboard name: Number of interactions recategorized from a different service
Metrics categories: Campaign, Service

Number of Interactions Re-categorized from a Different Service by Agents counts the number of times agents have changed received interaction services from one service to another service.

Number of Interactions Recategorized to a Different Service by Agents (IN Svc Changed)

Wallboard name: Number of interactions recategorized to a different service
Metrics categories: Agent, Campaign, Service

Number of Interactions Recategorized to a Different Service by Agents counts the number of times agents have changed interaction services to one service from another service.

Number of New Emails Processed by Agents, Including Replied, Closed Without Reply, Transferred and Service Changes (IN Handled New)

Wallboard name: Inbound emails handled
Metrics categories: Agent, Campaign, Service

Number of New Emails Processed by Agents, Including Replied, Closed Without Reply, Transferred and Service Changes is the number of first actions (reply, closed without reply, transfers and service changes) on new cases/threads. This metric counts only on the first action of an agent per email thread.

Note: If ACW is set for an email service, then this metric is changed only after an agent leaves the ACW state.

Number of Records Excluded by DNC Lists from Active Lists (Lists DNC)

Wallboard name: Number of records excluded by DNC lists from active lists
Metrics categories: Campaign, List, Service

Number of Records Excluded by DNC Lists from Active Lists is the total number of records that are excluded from active lists because they also appear on Do Not Call (DNC) lists.

Number of Records in Quota Groups That Reached Quota Limits (Out of Quota)

Wallboard name: Records in quota groups that reached quota limits
Metrics category: Service

Number of Records in Quota Groups That Reached Quota Limits is the number of non-finalized records that belong to quota groups that have reached the quota limits. The purpose of this metric is to provide a view on the number of remaining dialable records from a campaign.

Number of Records With a Success Disposition (Successes)

Metrics categories: List, Service

Number of Records With a Success Disposition is the number of records received with any of the success dispositions.

Occupancy in Campaign/Service (Occupancy)

Wallboard name: Occupancy of matching agents
Metrics categories: Agent, Campaign, Service, Team

Occupancy in Campaign/Service is the percentage of time agents have spent handling interactions of the given service (including the preview time and after-call work) out of their total working time (i.e., the time the agents have spent handling interactions of any service and being Ready to handle interactions).

Outbound Answered Calls That Did Not Connect to Agent in Compliance Time, Per Day (OUT Unattended)

Wallboard name: Outbound calls answered, out of connection speed compliance
Metrics categories: Campaign, Service

Outbound calls answered, out of connection speed compliance is the number of outbound calls answered that do not meet a minimum connection speed.

Outbound Call Attempts Currently in Progress (OUT in Progress)

Wallboard name: Outbound call attempts in progress now
Metrics categories: Campaign, Service

Outbound Call Attempts Currently in Progress is the number of outbound calls in a dialing or call progress analysis (CPA) state.

Outbound Call Attempts for the Day (OUT Dialed)

Dashboard name: CM
Wallboard name: Outbound call attempts
Metrics categories: Campaign, Service

Outbound Call Attempts for the Day is the total number of outbound calls agents have placed for the day.

Outbound Calls Abandoned at any Stage for the Day (OUT Abandoned)

Wallboard name: Outbound calls abandoned
Metrics categories: Campaign, Service

Outbound Calls Abandoned at any Stage for the Day is the number of outbound calls that have been terminated by agents for the day.

Outbound Calls Abandoned in IVR for the Day (OUT IVR Abandoned)

Wallboard name: Outbound calls abandoned in IVR
Metrics categories: Campaign, Service

Outbound Calls Abandoned in IVR for the Day is the number of outbound calls terminated while being processed by an IVR application for the day.

Outbound Calls Abandoned in Queue for the Day (OUT Queue Abandoned)

Wallboard name: Outbound calls abandoned in queue
Metrics categories: Campaign, Service

Outbound Calls Abandoned in Queue for the Day the number of outbound calls that have been terminated while waiting in the service queue.

Outbound Calls Abandoned While Ringing for the Day (OUT Ringing Abandoned)

Wallboard name: Outbound calls abandoned while ringing
Metrics categories: Campaign, Service

Outbound Calls Abandoned While Ringing for the Day is the number of outbound calls disconnected by customers while ringing on agents for the day.

Outbound Calls Attempts Failed for the Day (OUT Failed)

Wallboard name: Outbound calls attempts failed
Metrics categories: Campaign, Service

Outbound Calls Attempts Failed for the Day is the number of outbound calls initiated by agents and not answered by customers for a particular service for the day.

Outbound Calls Currently in IVR (OUT in IVR)

Wallboard name: Outbound calls in IVR %
Metrics categories: Campaign, Service

Outbound Calls Currently in IVR is the percentage of all outbound calls being processed by an IVR application out of all current outbound calls. When displayed as a total for several services, this metric shows the percentage calculated across all services in the set.

Outbound Calls Currently in Queue (OUT Waiting)

Wallboard name: Outbound calls in queue now
Metrics categories: Campaign, Service

Outbound Calls Currently in Queue is the number of outbound calls currently in Queued state.

Outbound Calls Delivered to Agents and Currently Ringing (OUT Ringing)

Wallboard name: Outbound calls ringing on agents now
Metrics categories: Campaign, Service

Outbound Calls Delivered to Agents and Currently Ringing is the number of outbound calls currently in Delivery Pending state (ringing on the agent, waiting for agent answer).

Outbound Calls Dropped in IVR for the Day (OUT IVR Dropped)

Wallboard name: Outbound calls dropped in IVR
Metrics categories: Campaign, Service

Outbound Calls Dropped in IVR for the Day is the number of outbound calls that have been disconnected by the system while being processed by an IVR application.

Outbound Calls Dropped in Queue for the Day (OUT Queue Dropped)

Wallboard name: Outbound calls dropped in queue
Metrics categories: Campaign, Service

Outbound Calls Dropped in Queue for the Day is the number of outbound calls that have been disconnected by the system while waiting in queue.

Outbound Calls Dropped While Ringing for the Day (OUT Ringing Dropped)

Wallboard name: Outbound calls dropped while ringing
Metrics categories: Campaign, Service

Outbound Calls Dropped While Ringing for the Day is the number of outbound calls that have been disconnected by the system while the line is ringing for agents for the day.

Outbound Calls Duration Average for the Day (OUT Avg Talk Time)

Wallboard name: Outbound calls duration average
Metrics categories: Agent, Campaign, Service

Outbound Calls Duration Average for the Day is the average talk time for OUT Handled calls. When displayed as a total for several services, this metric shows the average across all services in the set (i.e., it is calculated as the total sum of all durations across all services divided by the total sum of all interactions across all services).

Outbound Calls Duration Total for the Day (OUT Total Talk Time)

Wallboard name: Outbound calls duration total
Metrics categories: Agent, Campaign, Service

Outbound Calls Duration Total for the Day is the sum of talk time of OUT Handled calls.

Outbound Calls Queued for the Day (OUT Queued)

Wallboard name: Outbound calls queued
Metrics categories: Campaign, Service

Outbound Calls Queued for the Day is the number of outbound calls waiting in the service queue.

Outbound Calls Rejected or Unanswered by Agents for the Day (OUT Rejected)

Wallboard Name: Outbound calls rejected or missed by agents
Metrics categories: Agent, Campaign, Service, Team

Outbound calls rejected or missed by agents is the number of outbound calls that have been either rejected or unanswered by agents.

Outbound Calls Released by Agent for the Day (OUT Agent Disconnected)

Wallboard name: Outbound calls released by agent
Metrics categories: Campaign, Service

Outbound Calls Released by Agent for the Day is the number of outbound calls ended by agents.

Outbound Calls Released by Remote Party for the Day (OUT Remote Disconnected)

Wallboard name: Outbound calls released by remote party
Metrics categories: Campaign, Service

Outbound Calls Released by Remote Party for the Day is the number of outbound calls ended by the customer.

Outbound Calls Routed to Agents for the Day (OUT Routed)

Dashboard name: CRA
Wallboard name: Outbound calls routed to agents
Metrics categories: Campaign, Service

Outbound Calls Routed to Agents for the Day is the number of outbound calls that were queued and then routed to agents for the day. If a call is routed to an agent more than once with the same service, it is counted multiple times.

Outbound Calls Self Serviced for the Day (OUT Self Serviced)

Wallboard name: Outbound calls self serviced
Metrics categories: Campaign, Service

Outbound Calls Self Serviced for the Day is the number of outbound calls that have been terminated with a Self-Service indicator while being processed by an IVR application.

Outbound Calls Transferred by Agents for the Day (OUT Xfers or OUT Transferred)

Wallboard name: Outbound calls transferred away
Metrics categories: Campaign, Service

Outbound Calls Transferred by Agents for the Day is the number of outbound calls where agents initiate transfers for the day (either to queue, another agent or external number).

Outbound Current Calling Rate (OUT Call Rate)

Dashboard name: CR
Wallboard name: Outbound calling rate now
Metrics categories: Campaign, Service

Outbound Current Calling Rate is the current number of outbound calls being attempted by agents per minute.

Outbound Emails Currently on Agents, Saved in Personal Queues (OUT Desktop)

Wallboard name: Outbound emails in personal queue
Metrics categories: Agent, Campaign

Outbound Emails Currently on Agents, Saved in Personal Queues is the number of saved drafts of outbound emails that remained in agent personal queues.

Outbound Interactions Currently Handled by Agents (OUT Active)

Wallboard name: Outbound interactions handled by agents now
Metrics categories: Campaign, Service

Outbound Interactions Currently Handled by Agents is the number of outbound interactions currently being handled and completed by agents.

Outbound Interactions Handled by Agents for the Day/ Number of Unsolicited Emails and Follow-up Responses (OUT Handled)

Dashboard name: OCH
Wallboard name: Outbound interactions handled by agents (email - send non-replies)
Metrics categories: Agent, Campaign, Service, Team

Outbound Interactions Handled by Agents for the Day/ Number of Unsolicited Emails and Follow-up Responses is the number of outbound interactions that have been handled by agents; it includes campaign calls. For emails, this includes both new outbound emails and possible follow-up email messages related to existing email threads but does not include emails that have been started and discarded without sending.

Outbound Successful Calls Attempts for the Day (OUT Answered)

Wallboard name: Outbound calls attempts successful
Metrics categories: Campaign, Service

Outbound Successful Calls Attempts for the Day is the number of successful outbound call attempted by agents.

Percentage of Calls That Did Not Connect to Agent in Compliance Time, Per Day (OUT Unattended %)

Wallboard name: Outbound calls answered, out of connection speed compliance %
Metrics categories: Campaign, Service

Percentage of Calls That Did Not Connect to Agent in Compliance Time, Per Day is the percentage of all outbound calls answered that do not meet a minimum connection speed. This number is calculated by dividing the total number of unattended calls per day by the total number of outbound calls queued per day. When displayed as a total for several services, this metric shows the percentage calculated across all services in the set.

Percentage of Inbound Calls Abandoned for the Day (IN Total Abandoned %)

Wallboard name: Inbound abandoned %
Metrics categories: Campaign, Service

Percentage of Inbound Calls Abandoned for the Day is the percentage of inbound interactions terminated by the originating party out of all calls received for the day. This number is calculated by dividing the total number of inbound abandoned calls per day by the total number of calls received per day. When displayed as a total for several services, this metric shows the percentage calculated across all services in the set.

Percentage of Inbound Calls Abandoned in Queue for the Day (IN Queue Abandoned %)

Wallboard name: Inbound abandoned in queue %
Metrics categories: Campaign, Service

Percentage of Inbound Calls Abandoned in Queue for the Day is the percentage of inbound interactions terminated by the originating party while waiting in queue out of all inbound calls received for the day. When displayed as a total for several services, this metric shows the percentage calculated across all services in the set.

Percentage of Inbound Calls Handled for the Day (IN Handled %)

Wallboard name: Inbound handled by agents %
Metrics categories: Campaign, Service

Percentage of Inbound Calls Handled for the Day is the percentage of all inbound interactions that have been handled and completed by agents out of all inbound calls received for the day. When displayed as a total for several services, this metric shows the percentage calculated across all services in the set.

Percentage of Inbound Calls Short Abandoned in Queue for the Day (IN Queue Sh-Abandoned %)

Wallboard name: Inbound short-abandoned in queue %
Metrics categories: Campaign, Service

Percentage of Inbound Calls Short Abandoned in Queue for the Day is the percentage of inbound interactions that have been terminated by the originating party while waiting in the service queue before the configured Service Level threshold. This number is calculated by dividing the total number of inbound calls short-abandoned in queue per day by the total number of inbound calls queued per day. When displayed as a total for several services, this metric shows the percentage calculated across all services in the set.

Percentage of Inbound Interactions Answered in Service Level Over 20 Most Recent Calls (IN Svc Level % or SLA)

Dashboard name: SLA
Wallboard name: Inbound interactions answered in Service Level % (moving window)
Metrics categories: Campaign, Service

Inbound interactions answered in Service Level % (moving window) is the percentage of interactions answered before the threshold time (20 seconds by default) relative to all answered and abandoned interactions (except short abandoned) calculated over the 20 most recent calls. The metric shows an empty field (or "N/A") if no interactions have been answered or queued since the reset time.

For email interactions, this metric represents the percentage of emails replied to within the predefined Service Level threshold, relative to all replied emails.

When this metric is displayed as a total for several services, it shows the value for the service where the service level is currently the lowest.

Percentage of Inbound Interactions Answered in Service Level Over the Day (IN Svc Level Day %)

Wallboard name: Inbound interactions answered in Service Level %
Metrics categories: Campaign, Service

Percentage of Inbound Interactions Answered in Service Level Over the Day is the percentage of calls answered before the threshold time (20 seconds by default) relative to all answered and abandoned interactions (except short abandoned) calculated for the day. The metric shows an empty field if no interactions have been answered or queued since the reset time.

For email interactions, it is the percentage of emails replied to within the pre-defined Service Level threshold, relative to all replied emails. When this metric is displayed as a total for several services, it shows the value for the service where the service level is currently the lowest.

Percentage of Outbound Calls Abandoned at any Stage for the Day (OUT Abandoned %)

Wallboard name: Outbound calls abandoned %
Metrics categories: Campaign, Service

Percentage of Outbound Calls Abandoned at any Stage for the Day is the percentage of calls that were dropped by customers in IVR or in Queue (including short and long waits) before being answered by agents out of all calls entered in IVR for the day. When displayed as a total for several services, this metric shows the percentage calculated across all services in the set.

Percentage of Outbound Calls Abandoned in IVR for the Day (OUT IVR Abandoned %)

Wallboard name: Outbound calls abandoned in IVR %
Metrics categories: Campaign, Service

Percentage of Outbound Calls Abandoned in IVR for the Day is the percentage of calls that were dropped by customers in the IVR scenario out of all calls entered in IVR for the day. When displayed as a total for several services, this metric shows the percentage calculated across all services in the set.

Percentage of Outbound Calls Abandoned in Queue for the Day (OUT Queue Abandoned %)

Wallboard name: Outbound calls abandoned in queue %
Metrics categories: Campaign, Service

Percentage of Outbound Calls Abandoned in Queue for the Day is the percentage of calls that were dropped by customers while waiting in queue for an agent out of all calls entered in queue for the day. When displayed as a total for several services, this metric shows the percentage calculated across all services in the set.

Percentage of Outbound Successful Call Attempts for the Day (OUT Answered %)

Wallboard name: Outbound calls attempts successful %
Metrics categories: Campaign, Service

Percentage of Outbound Successful Call Attempts for the Day is the percentage of successful outbound calls attempted by agents out of all calls attempted for the day. When displayed as a total for several services, this metric shows the percentage calculated across all services in the set.

Percentage of Records Attempted for the Day (Attempted %)

Wallboard name: Records attempts %
Metrics categories: Campaign, List, Service

Percentage of Records Attempted for the Day is the percentage of records attempts during a campaign out of all records for the day. When displayed as a total for several services, this metric shows the percentage calculated across all services in the set.

Percentage of Records Completed for the Day (Completed %)

Wallboard name: Records completions %
Metrics categories: Campaign, List, Service

Percentage of Records Completed for the Day is the percentage of completed records from a campaign for the day out of the sum of completed and remaining records for the day. When displayed as a total for several services, this metric shows the percentage calculated across all services in the set.

Percentage of Records Completed in Active Lists (Active Lists Completed %)

Wallboard name: Records completed in active lists %
Metrics categories: Campaign, List, Service

Percentage of Records Completed in Active Lists is the percentage of records completed per campaign out of the sum of completed and remaining records for the currently enabled lists. When displayed as a total for several services, this metric shows the percentage calculated across all services in the set.

Percentage of Records Skipped for the Day (Skipped %)

Wallboard name: Records skips %
Metrics categories: Agent, Campaign, Service

Percentage of Records Skipped for the Day is the percentage of records skipped per agent, per day, out of the total number of records the agent previewed. When displayed as a total for several services, this metric shows the percentage calculated across all services in the set.

Quota of Successes for the Calling List Quota Group (Quota)

Metrics categories: List

Quota of Successes for the Calling List Quota Group is the number of records that must receive a success disposition in this quota group. For disposition-based groups, it counts only the specific disposition of the group. For source field-based groups, it counts any success disposition.

Records Attempted for the Day (Attempted)

Wallboard name: Records attempts
Metrics categories: Campaign, List, Service

Records Attempted for the Day is the number of records from a campaign where contact has been attempted, including the records that are currently being attempted.

Records Completed for the Day (Completed)

Wallboard name: Records completions
Metrics categories: Campaign, List, Service

Records Completed for the Day is the number of records from a campaign that have been completed (i.e., the records for which final dispositions have been set).

Records Dialable Right Now (Dialable)

Metrics categories: Campaign, List, Service

Records Dialable Right Now displays the number of records in the list/campaign of non-closed records that can be called right now (taking into account calling hours and reschedule limitations). Please note that if the number of dialable records is more than 800, the statistic will show ">800". If the number of records is less than 800, the statistic will show the actual number.

Records Expired (Expired)

Metrics categories: Campaign, List, Service

Records Expired displays the number of records in the list that have expired since they have been exported. The expiration is defined in calling list configuration.

Records Previewed for the Day (Previewed)

Wallboard name: Records previews
Metrics categories: Agent, Campaign, Service

Records Previewed for the Day is the number of preview interactions from a campaign for the day that agents have accepted (including auto-accepted ones).

Records Skipped for the Day (Skipped)

Wallboard name: Records skips
Metrics categories: Agent, Campaign, Service

Records Skipped for the Day is the number of records agents have accepted from a campaign but then skipped (canceled) per day.

Records State Chart (State Chart)

Metrics categories: Campaign, List, Service

Records State Chart returns 4 arrays of numbers: completed, rescheduled, remaining, and auto-completed. All arrays are indexed by attempt number. The attempt number is a record attempt number (retries are not counted).

  • The first array (completed) contains the percentage (0-100) of records completed at this attempt number by agents. The percentage is counted by dividing by the List Records metric.
  • The second array (rescheduled) contains the percentage of records rescheduled from this attempt number to the next attempt number; the percentage is calculated out of all list records.
  • The third array (remaining) contains the percentage of records remaining not attempted on this attempt out of all list records.
  • The fourth array (auto-completed) contains the percentage (0-100) of records completed at this attempt number by dialer (either by hitting a DNC record or reaching max attempts). The percentage is counted by dividing by the List Records metric.

Remaining Records in Active Lists (Lists Remaining or RR)

Dashboard name: RR
Wallboard name: Remaining records in active lists
Metrics categories: Campaign, List, Service

Remaining Records in Active Lists is the approximate number of remaining records from a campaign (not including records from disabled lists).

Remaining Records With Personal Agent Assignments (Lists P.A. Remaining)

Wallboard name: Remaining records with personal agent assignments
Metrics categories: Agent, Campaign, List, Service

Remaining Records With Personal Agent Assignments is the approximate number of remaining records from a campaign that have assigned personal agents (not including records from disabled lists).

Selected Dispositions Percentage

Wallboard name: Selected dispositions percentage
Metrics categories: Service

Selected Dispositions Positions displays the total percentage of dispositions that have been selected from all inbound calls out of all dispositioned calls; the metric is displayed per service per day.

Time in Preview (Preview Duration)

Wallboard name: Preview duration now
Metrics categories: Agent, Campaign

Time in Preview is the number of seconds the agent is spending in the Busy state with preview interaction. The metric returns a value of 0 if the agent is not doing a preview interaction at the moment.

Total Number of Records in Active Lists (Lists Records)

Wallboard name: Count of records in all active lists
Metrics categories: Campaign, Lists, Service

Total Number of Records in Active Lists is the number of all records, completed and remaining, in all currently enabled lists.

Unique Inbound Calls Handled by Agents for the Day (IN Handled Unique)

Wallboard name: Inbound handled unique
Metrics categories: Agent, Campaign, Service

Unique Inbound Calls Handled by Agents for the Day is the number of inbound service calls handled by all agents since the beginning of the day interval. If the same customer call is handled by multiple agents (blind transfer or conference), this metric is increased only on the first answer by the first agent. This includes both inbound calls and callbacks dialed and answered by the customer.

Unique Inbound Interactions Being Put on Hold by Agent(s) for the Day (IN on Hold Unique)

Wallboard name: Inbound held, non-transferred
Metrics categories: Agent, Campaign

Unique Inbound Interactions Being Put on Hold by Agent(s) for the Day is the number of unique inbound service calls put on hold by a user during his login session.

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