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How to Add a Microsoft Teams Integration Account

Configuring a Microsoft Teams integration account allows your contact center to use an enterprise-level communications channel that comes with chat and call capabilities, user-presence visibility, and directory access during service interactions with customers.

Please note that your contact center is allowed only one instance of a Microsoft Teams integration account. If you wish to create a different Microsoft Teams integration account, you must delete the existing instance.

Deleting an existing Microsoft Teams integration account will disable access for all users in the account. Upon creating a new Microsoft Teams integration account, all users in the account will need to re-enable Teams integration in their Agent Desktop user profiles.


  1. In the Contact Center Administrator application, go to section Configuration > Call Center Configuration > Integration Accounts and click + to add a new integration account of type Microsoft Teams.

    Select the Microsoft Teams integration account type

  2. Set the following properties for the account:

    1. Name - The name of the integration account (any name)

    2. Directory (Tenant) ID - Your Microsoft Azure registered app’s Directory (tenant) ID

    3. Client ID - Your registered app’s Account (client) ID

    4. Client Secret - Your registered app’s client secret

    5. Test connection - Tests the credentials and confirms whether the connection is valid. If the connection is not OK, you may get one of the following validation connection error messages:

      1. Error: Failed to request refresh token - This means that the provided Client Secret, Directory (Tenant) ID, or Client ID is invalid and the refresh token could not be requested. Try copying each of those items from the Azure registered app and pasting them into the property fields again.

      2. Error: Account credentials are incomplete - Make sure that all fields are filled, and click Apply at the bottom of the screen to save changes to the integration account properties.

  3. In Properties section System Messages for Conferencing Microsoft Teams Users to a Customer Chat, you may choose to redefine the automatic system response options and various commands agents will use for chat interactions.

    The default values for these messages are as follows:

    1. Party joined - joined the session

    2. Party left - left the session

    3. Invitation to join - You are invited to customer chat session, would you like to accept (YES/NO)?

    4. Positive response - YES

    5. Negative response - NO

    6. Session ended - Customer chat session ended

    7. Leave any time command - BYE

      Microsoft Teams integration account properties

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