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• 5.2

Version 5.2.6

Bright Pattern Contact Center version 5.2.6 is a minor release with the following new features and bug fixes.


See what's new for Bright Pattern Contact Center version 5.2.6.

Chat Widget Auto-Start

Release 5.2.6 introduces the option to configure the chat widget to initiate a chat session automatically upon a webpage loading. To do this, in the Web HTML snippet, add the attribute autostartChat with the value true; note that the default value is false.

For more information, see the Contact Center Administrator Guide, section Web Chat Configuration.


The following defects have been fixed in this version of Bright Pattern Contact Center. If you need to speak to Bright Pattern Support about any of these fixes, please use the provided reference numbers.

Reference Fixed in Version 5.2.6
15329 Scenario Builder "Connect Call" block cannot connect call if agent enters invalid extension upon login
15420 Blind transfer to a tenant’s assigned access number results in the caller hearing dead air
15562 "Video call" checkbox does not appear in Chat Widget Styling in Bright Pattern Contact Center software, version 5.0
15589 Upgrade 3.17.0 to 5.2.6 fails with duplicate columns
15645 Agent Web Server becomes unresponsive after a day or two in operation

Upgrade Notes

There are no changes to note for version 5.2.6. For more information, see Release 5.2.5 Upgrade Notes.

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