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• 5.19


Subscribe to any change of the allowed phone capabilities.



on('ON_PHONE_CAPABILITIES_CHANGE', handler: OnPhoneCapabilitiesChangeHandler): void

type OnPhoneCapabilitiesChangeHandler = (caps: PhoneCapabilities) => SyncAsyncResult

type PhoneCapabilities = {

    canDial: boolean

    canAnswer: boolean

    canHold: boolean

    canRetrieve: boolean



Parameter Parameter Values Data Type Optional/Required Description
canDial Boolean Required If set to true, the user can dial; if set to false, the user cannot dial.
canAnswer Boolean Required If set to true, the user can answer incoming phone calls; if set to false, the user cannot answer incoming phone calls.
canHold Boolean Required If set to true, the user can pause calls; if set to false, the user cannot pause calls.
canRetrieve Boolean Required If set to true, the user can resume calls after they have been put on hold; if set to false, the user cannot resume calls after they have been put on hold.

Example Request

function phoneCapabilitiesChangeCallback(caps: PhoneCapabilities) {

console.log("New phone capabilities:", caps);


adApi.on("ON_PHONE_CAPABILITIES_CHANGE", phoneCapabilitiesChangeCallback);

Return Value


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