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• 5.19


This callback is triggered when the screen recording state changes (e.g., the screen recording starts or ends, or when the microphone for recording is muted or unmuted).



on('ON_SCREEN_RECORDING_STATE_CHANGE', handler: OnScreenRecordingStateChange): void

type OnScreenRecordingStateChange = (screenRecordingState: ScreenRecordingState) => void

type ScreenRecordingState = {

  allowed: boolean

  active: boolean

  muted: boolean



Parameter Parameter Values Data Type Optional/Required Description
allowed Boolean Required If set to true, screen recording can be used with the current user; if set to false, screen recording cannot be used with the current user.
active Boolean Required If set to true, screen recording is active now; if set to false, screen recording is not active now.
muted Boolean Required If set to true, screen recording is muted; if set to false, screen recording is not muted.

Example Request

function screenRecordingChangeCallback(newState: ScreenRecordingState) {

console.log("Screen recording is active?", ? "yes" : "no");


adApi.on("ON_SCREEN_RECORDING_STATE_CHANGE", screenRecordingChangeCallback);

Return Value


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