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• 5.19


Starts or stops a particular call recording.

Please note that you can find out the current state of call recording for each interaction by querying callRecording property of the InteractionData object.



setCallRecording(state: boolean, interactionId?: string): Promise<OperationResult<null>>


Parameter Parameter Values Data Type Optional/Required Description
state Boolean Required Set the value to true to start call recording, set the value to false to stop call recording.
interactionId String Optional The ID of the specific interaction that you wish to record or stop recording. If not specified, the active interaction will be used.

Example Request

const interactionId = interactionsList[0].interactionId;

startCallRecordingButton.onclick = () => {

        adApi.setCallRecording(true, interactionId);


stopCallRecordingButton.onclick = () => {

  adApi.setCallRecording(false, interactionId);


Return Value


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