From Bright Pattern Documentation
< 5.19:AgentDesktop-client-side-javascript-api-specification
Revision as of 04:01, 29 May 2024 by BpDeeplTranslateMaintenance (talk | contribs) (Updated via BpDeleteTranslateTags script)
• 5.19
Adds a note to the interaction; it is possible to add multiple notes per interaction. If the interactionId isn't specified, the method will set the note for the currently active interaction.
addNote(note: string, interactionId?: string): Promise<OperationResult<null>> |
Parameter | Parameter Values | Data Type | Optional/Required | Description |
note | String | Required | The note you want to set for the interaction. | |
interactionId | String | Optional | The specific interaction ID for which you will be setting the disposition. |
Example Request
addNoteButton.onclick = () => {
const note = noteInput.value
const itemId = notesInteractionIdInput.value
adApi.addNote(note, itemId)
Return Value