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• 5.19


Removes a party from an active conference call. Note that this method may be invoked only if there is more than one party on the call (i.e., other than the user).



removeFromCallConference(partyId: string, interactionId?: string): Promise<OperationResult<null>>


Parameter Parameter Values Data Type Optional/Required Description
partyId String Required The internal or external phone of the party that you plan to remove from the conference call.
interactionId String Optional The ID of the specific conference call where you want to remove a party from. If not specified, the active interaction will be used.

Example Request

    removeFromCallConferenceButton.onclick = () => {

        const partyId = partyIdInput.value

        const itemId = conferenceInteractionIdInput.value

        adApi.removeFromCallConference(partyId, itemId)


Return Value


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