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< 5.19:AgentDesktop-client-side-javascript-api-specification
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• 5.19


Sends a specified number sequence using dual tone multifrequency (DTMF) signaling to the call receiver.



sendDtmf(dtmf: string, interactionId?: string): Promise<OperationResult<null>>


Parameter Parameter Values Data Type Optional/Required Description
dtmf String Required The DTMF number sequence (i.e., a string of numbers)
interactionId String Optional The ID of the interaction for which this action will apply to. If not specified, the active interaction will be used.

Example Request

    sendDtmfButton.onclick = () => {

        const dtmf = dtmfInput.value

        const itemId = activeInteractionIdInput.value

        adApi.sendDtmf(dtmf, itemId)


Return Value


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