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Send Message+

The Send Message+ scenario block is used to send messages to customers. Note that the types of messages you can send changes depending on whether you are creating a voice or chat scenario.

Scenario Builder Send Message+ scenario block

Chat Scenarios

Conditional Exit

The Send Message+ block for chat scenarios may take the following conditional exit.


The Send Message+ block in chat scenarios may take the Timeout conditional exit. A Timeout occurs when the amount of time configured in Timeout after, sec has been exceeded due to no input text being received.

Send Message+ conditional exit for chat


Media type

When used in a chat scenario, the Send Message+ block can be used to send either a chat or an SMS message. For the Media type setting, select either CHAT or SMS.

If the media type is set to SMS, the service on behalf of which the text messages are sent must have the "Outbound chat accounts" property specified.

If you want to be able to receive and process possible replies to this message, an SMS/MMS access number should be configured in your Messaging/Chat scenario entry for the given chat scenario.


Message is the text of the message to be sent to the customer. Variables in the $(varname) format can be used in the message text.

Send to this number

If sending an SMS message, specify the number to which the text message will be sent. Variables in the $(varname) format can be used.

Send Message+ settings for chat

Voice Scenarios

In order to be able to send SMS, the access number associated with the given scenario entry point must have the SMS capability.

If you want to be able to receive and process possible replies to the messages sent via this scenario, you need to:

  • Configure a chat service to receive such SMS replies.
  • Add the number that you use to send the messages via this scenario as an SMS/MMS access number for the Messaging/Chat entry that you will configure for the given chat service.

Conditional Exit

The Send Message+ block for voice scenarios may take the following conditional exit.

Send error

The Send error conditional exit if the attempt to send a text message returned an error.

Send Message+ conditional exits for voice


The Send Message+ block for voice scenarios sends text messages (i.e., SMS) only.


Message is the text of the SMS to be sent to the customer. Variables in the $(varname) format can be used in the message text.

Send to this number

When sending an SMS message, specify the number to which the text message will be sent. Variables in the $(varname) format can be used.

Send Message+ settings for voice
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