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Set Prompt Language

The Set Prompt Language scenario block determines the language in which the blocks following this block will play their prompts. This block is typically used in the conditional exits of the Menu block that offers a choice of languages to the caller. This block can also be used to determine the language in which the Record block will record shared voice segments.

Scenario Builder Set Prompt Language scenario block

Note that each application you develop has built-in multilingual prompt management. You can add or remove languages using the Prompt Manager. Each prompt has versions for all languages defined in the system. By default, English is always defined.

The block has a drop-down list containing all languages defined for your scenario. You can enable additional languages for the scenario in the Prompt List dialog box. To configure the block, select the language in the drop-down list. The label of the Set Prompt Language block changes in the flowchart will display Set Prompt Language “[language]”.

Once the Set Prompt Language block sets the language, each subsequent block will play (or record) prompts in that language until another Set Prompt Language block changes the language.

Setting the Prompt language

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