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Messenger Integration Account Properties

Bright Pattern Contact Center integrates with all major social messaging applications (i.e., messengers), including Facebook Messenger, LINE, Telegram, Twitter, Viber, WeChat, and WhatsApp (via Infobip, Twilio, or Vonage API Group/Nexmo), allowing Agent Desktop users to handle service chat interactions over any configured messenger channel. In the Bright Pattern platform, we use messenger integration accounts to store credentials and allow connections between Bright Pattern and your organization's messaging app accounts and/or developer portals.

This article describes the only properties for every type of messenger integration account. For complete integration configuration instructions and administrative tutorials, see the Messenger Integration Guide.

How to Add a Messenger Integration Account

To add a messenger integration account to your contact center, go to the Contact Center Administrator application's Call Center Configuration > Integration Accounts section.

Click the add "+" button and select the desired type of messaging application to add.

Selecting the type of Messenger integration account

Facebook Messenger Properties

The properties of the Facebook Messenger type of integration account are described as follows. For complete integration instructions and configuration, see the Messenger Integration Guide, section Facebook Messenger Integration.

Facebook Messenger integration account properties


The name for this integration account (can be any name of your choosing).

Page Username

The @username of the Facebook Page (e.g., “brightpatterndocs” with no @ symbol).


The messenger integration count type. Select Facebook for Facebook Messenger.

Page ID

The Facebook Page ID (string), which can be found in the "About" section of the Facebook Page.


The Page Access Token for the Facebook Page.

Webhook Verify Token

The token used to confirm that Facebook is the real server, which is needed for Facebook to send you a message from the customer. If you do not have a token, click the Generate random token below.

Account ID

The unique identifier of this integration account, which is filled in for you upon clicking Apply.

Generate random token

Creates a random webhook token that you can copy and paste into your Facebook App in section Messenger Settings > Webhooks > Edit Callback URL > Verify Token.

Test Connection

Tests the credentials and confirms whether the connection is valid.

LINE Properties

The properties of the LINE type of integration account are described as follows. For complete integration instructions and configuration, see the Messenger Integration Guide, section LINE Integration.

LINE messenger integration account properties


The name of your integration account (this does not need to be your LINE@ account name).


The integration account type. For LINE accounts, select LINE.


The access token for your LINE account.

Account ID

The unique identifier of this integration account, which is filled in for you upon clicking Apply.

Test Connection

Tests the credentials and confirms whether the connection is valid.

Telegram Properties

The properties of the Telegram type of messenger integration account are described as follows. For complete integration instructions and configuration, see the Messenger Integration Guide, section Telegram Integration.

Telegram messenger integration account properties

Bot Username

The exact username of your Telegram bot.


The integration account type. For Telegram accounts, select Telegram.


The API token for your Telegram bot.

Account ID

The unique identifier of this integration account, which is filled in for you upon clicking Apply.

Set Webhook

Click this button to confirm that Telegram is the real server, which is needed for Telegram to send you a message from the customer. Note that you must get the token/webhook from Telegram; you cannot generate one here.

Test Connection

Tests the credentials and confirms whether the connection is valid.

Twitter v2 Properties

The properties of the Twitter type integration account are described as follows. For complete integration instructions and configuration, see the Messenger Integration Guide, section Twitter Integration

Twitter messenger integration account properties


The name of your integration account (can be any name of your choosing).

Consumer Key

Your Twitter app's API key.

Consumer Secret

Your Twitter app's API secret key.

Access Token

Your Twitter app's access token.

Access Token Secret

Your Twitter app's access token secret.

Account ID

The unique identifier of this integration account, which is filled in for you upon clicking Apply.

Test Connection

Tests the credentials and confirms whether the connection is valid.

Viber Properties

The properties of the Viber type of integration account are described as follows. For complete integration instructions and configuration, see the Messenger Integration Guide, section Viber Integration.

Viber messenger integration account properties

Bot Username

The exact username of your Viber Bot Account.


The integration account type. For Viber accounts, select Viber.


The private token of your Viber Bot Account.

Account ID

The unique identifier of this integration account, which is filled in for you upon clicking Apply.

Set Webhook

Setting the webhook is necessary for Viber to send you a message from the customer. Click Set Webhook to open enter the webhook URL.

Webhook url (host and port)

Your contact center domain (e.g., “”). This includes the server address and port number.

Example webhook

Test Connection

Tests the credentials and confirms whether the connection is valid.

WeChat Properties

The properties of the WeChat type of integration account are described as follows. For complete integration instructions and configuration, see the Messenger Integration Guide, section WeChat Integration.

WeChat messenger integration account properties


The name of your integration account (can be any name of your choosing)


The integration account type. For WeChat accounts, select WeChat.

App ID

The appId of your WeChat sandbox, which is found on the Test number management page.

App Secret

The app secret of your WeChat sandbox, which is found on the Test number management page.

WeChat ID

The identifying string for your WeChat account, which is found in the top right corner of your WeChat sandbox Test number management page.

WeChat type

The type of WeChat official account. Set “China” if the region of your WeChat official account is China, or “International” if the region of your WeChat official account is not China.

Account ID

The unique identifier of this integration account, which is filled in for you upon clicking Apply.

Test Connection

Tests the credentials and confirms whether the connection is valid.

WhatsApp Properties

Bright Pattern Contact Center integrates with WhatsApp via the following service providers: Infobip, Twilio, and Vonage API Group/Nexmo. When configuring a messenger integration account for WhatsApp, select either Infobip, Twilio, or Vonage API Group/Nexmo. The integration account properties for each provider type are provided as follows.


For complete integration configuration instructions, see the Messenger Integration Guide, section WhatsApp via Infobip Integration.

WhatsApp via Infobip integration account properties


The name of your integration account (can be any name of your choosing).






The Base URL obtained from Infobip (e.g., “”)


Your Infobip Public API key.

WhatsApp number

The dedicated WhatsApp number obtained from Infobip (e.g., 12012345678)

Account ID

The unique identifier of this integration account, which is appended to the end of the webhook URL in the Infobip portal. The Account ID is generated when you click Apply at the bottom of the screen.


For complete integration configuration instructions, see the Messenger Integration Guide, section WhatsApp via Twilio Integration.

WhatsApp via Twilio integration account properties


The name of your integration account (can be any name of your choosing)







The SID obtained from Twilio WhatsApp Sandbox credentials


The token obtained from Twilio WhatsApp Sandbox credentials

WhatsApp number

The WhatsApp number provided by Twilio (e.g., +XXXXXXXX)

The WhatsApp number can be found on the Twilio Programmable Messaging Dashboard > Sandbox Participants properties

Account ID

The unique identifier of this integration account, which is filled in for you upon clicking Apply


For complete integration configuration instructions, see the Messenger Integration Guide, section Vonage API Group/Nexmo Integration.

Messenger integration account properties for type WhatsApp via Vonage API Group/Nexmo


The name of your integration account (can be any name of your choosing)






Authentication type

Set JWT and then set the actual JWT.


The JWT authentication key from the Vonage API Group sandbox account


For a sandbox environment, leave this field empty.

WhatsApp number

The Nexmo (Vonage API Group) Customer Dashboard number (e.g., “123418342149”). This number is shown on the top right of the Nexmo (Vonage API Group) sandbox account after login.

Account ID

The unique identifier of this integration account, which is filled in for you upon clicking Apply.

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