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Messenger Integration

When Bright Pattern Contact Center is integrated with messengers (e.g., Facebook Messenger, LINE, Telegram, Viber, etc.), your Bright Pattern Agent Desktop environment is equipped to handle customer-initiated interactions from the Messenger application or the application on a customer’s mobile phone, tablet, or computer. Incoming chat interactions are routed to the integrated Agent Desktop environment, where agents also have direct access to the phone, live chat, email, SMS text, various other mobile messenger apps, customer and agent records, interaction details, and more. Integration configuration involves linking your organization's messenger account to your Bright Pattern Contact Center tenant.

To add a messenger integration account, click the add "+" button and select the desired type of messenger.

Selecting the type of Messenger integration account

The properties of each type of messenger integration account are described as follows. For more information about each type, see the corresponding integration guide.

Facebook Messenger Properties

The properties of the Facebook Messenger type of integration account are described as follows. For complete integration instructions and configuration, see the Facebook Messenger Integration Guide.

Facebook Messenger integration account properties

Page Username

The exact username of your Facebook Page


Select Facebook as the type of messenger integration account.

Page ID

The exact page ID for your Facebook Page


The Page Access Token for your Facebook Page

Webhook Verify Token

The token used to confirm that Facebook is the real server, which is needed for Facebook to send you a message from the customer. If you do not have a token, click the Generate random token below.

Generate random token

Creates a random webhook token that you can copy and paste into your Facebook App management page in Webhooks > Edit Page Subscription > Verify Token

Test Connection

Tests the credentials and confirms whether the connection is valid

LINE Properties

The properties of the LINE type of integration account are described as follows. For complete integration instructions and configuration, see the LINE Integration Guide.

LINE integration account properties


The name of your integration account (this does not need to be your LINE@ account name)


For this integration account, select LINE as the type of integration.


The access token for your LINE@ account

Test Connection

Tests the credentials and confirms whether the connection is valid

Nexmo Properties

The properties of the Nexmo type of integration account are described as follows.

Nexmo integration account properties


The name of your integration account (can be any name of your choosing)


"Nexmo" by default because you already selected this type of messenger integration account


The API key that was created when you created a Nexmo account. You can find the API key and secret in your Nexmo Dashboard account settings.


The API secret that was created when you created a Nexmo account. You can find the API key and secret in your Nexmo Dashboard account settings.

Telegram Properties

The properties of the Facebook Messenger type of integration account are described as follows. For complete integration instructions and configuration, see the Telegram Integration Guide.

Telegram messenger integration account properties

Bot Username

The exact username of your Telegram bot


For this integration account, select Telegram as the type of integration.


The API token for your Telegram bot

Set Webhook

Click the Set Webhook button to confirm that Telegram is the real server, which is needed for Telegram to send you a message from the customer. Note that you must get the token/webhook from Telegram; you cannot generate one here.

Test Connection

Tests the credentials and confirms whether the connection is valid

Viber Properties

The properties of the Viber type of integration account are described as follows. For complete integration instructions and configuration, see the Viber Integration Guide.

Viber messenger integration account properties

Bot Username

The exact name of your Viber Public Account username.


For this integration account, select Viber as the type of integration.


The password that is given to you after your Public Account application is approved

Set Webhook

Set Webhook is necessary for Viber to send you a message from the customer. Clicking the Set Webhook button opens the Set Webhook window, where the Webhook URL is entered.

Webhook url (host and port)

The address of your server and port number (e.g., “”). If you do not know the server URL or port number, ask your system administrator.

Test Connection

Tests the credentials and confirms whether the connection is valid.

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