Agent Login/Logout Report
The Agent Login/Logout report provides information related to agent login and logout of the Agent Desktop application. This report includes metrics such as agent name, the time of login/logout, whether the agent logged out normally or by timeout, the time spent logged in, the amount of time spent working or "Not Ready", and so forth.
Metric Descriptions
The metrics of this report are organized into columns, which are described as follows.
The first and last name of the agent.
The start time of the session (e.g., "09:04" for "9:04 a.m.").
The end time of the session (e.g., "09:39" for "9:39 a.m.").
Logout Type
The type of logout: "self," "timeout," "system" (if logout is forced by system - agent has no phone, or the contact center or agent is disabled in configuration), or "supervisor."
Screen Recording
Indication of whether this session was recorded.
Login Time
Duration of the session in hours:minutes:seconds (e.g., "00:33:16"). The total Login Time (given in bold) includes the total time that the agent was logged in for all sessions on the given date.
Total Working Time
The total time that the agent had a status other than "Not Ready" during the session, in hours:minutes:seconds (e.g., "00:03:43"). The Total Working Time (given in bold) includes the total working time for the agent for all sessions on the given date.
Not Ready %
The percentage of total time when the agent was in the "Not Ready" state during the session (e.g., "2%"). The total percentage (given in bold) is the average amount of time spent in the "Not Ready" state across all of the agent's sessions on the given date.