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Natural Language Understanding Integration

Bright Pattern offers IBM Watson Natural Language Understanding integration to provide sentiment analysis for services. Natural Language Understanding is enabled for voice and chat per service and for email in the scenario entry point.


The properties of the Natural Language Understanding type of integration account are described as follows.

Natural Language Understanding integration account properties


The name of the integration account.


Watson Natural Language Understanding is the type of integration.


Your URL copied from the Natural Language Understanding service credentials.

For example:

Authentication method

Select either API key or username/password (legacy) to set the appropriate credentials for your Natural Language Understanding service.

API key

The API key from your Natural Language Understanding service credentials.


The username used to authenticate the Watson Natural Language Understanding API with Basic Authentication. The username is provided when you sign up for IBM Bluemix and create an account.


The password used to authenticate the Watson Natural Language Understanding API with Basic Authentication. The password is provided when you sign up for IBM Bluemix and create an account.


The maximum number of API calls per day. A limit (e.g., “100”) can help keep the number of API calls within the boundaries of free subscriptions. The default is no limit.

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