Inbound Voice Service Configuration
This section outlines the recommended general order of configuring an inbound voice service.
For inbound voice services with virtual queuing (callback option), see also Bright Pattern's Virtual Queue Tutorial.
The following steps suggest the order of actions that you should take when configuring an inbound voice service for your contact center.
Step 1: Create and configure an inbound voice service
Create an inbound voice service, and configure its general settings. See section Services and Campaigns - Properties Tab.
Step 2: Assign teams to the service
Assign agent teams to this service. Note that the service will be created with a default service skill that can be assigned automatically to all members of the associated agent teams. See section Services and Campaigns - Assignments Tab.
Step 3: Create additional skills required for this service
If necessary, create language skills and any other auxiliary skills that may have to be taken into account when routing calls requesting this service.
Step 4: Assign the additional skills to agents of the assigned teams
Use skill levels to assign the language and/or auxiliary skills to agents who will provide this service.
Step 5: Create a scenario for the service
Create the interaction processing scenario for this service. Use text-to-speech to generate the voice messages and prompts, and once they are finalized, record them with a voice talent.
Step 6: Associate the scenario with a service
Associate the scenario with the access number that callers will dial to get this service.
Note: The remaining steps are optional and depend on your workflows and reporting requirements.
Step 7: Specify service level thresholds
Set the service level threshold for the service. See section Services and Campaigns - Service Level Tab.
Step 8: Specify dial-out information
Specify the dial-out entries for outbound consultation calls.
Step 9: Set up periodic call recording exports
Set up periodic exports of call recordings. See section Services and Campaigns - Results Tab.
Step 10: Configure caller ID
Configure a caller ID for outbound SMS communications. See section Services and Campaigns - Numbers Tab.
Step 11: Customize historical reports
Review the available service reports and, if necessary, customize them to your specific reporting needs.