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Services and Campaigns Overview

A service is a logical concept that reflects a specific reason for customers to contact your business, or, in case of outbound campaigns, a specific reason for your business to contact customers. Services play the key role in design of interaction processing logic, evaluation of contact center efficiency, and workforce management.

Note that when you define a new service, a default skill representing this service is created automatically by the system. When you associate the service with an agent team, this default skill can be automatically assigned to all current and future members of the team.

To set up services or campaigns, select the Services & Campaigns option from the root menu.

Services & Campaigns

Types of Services

To create a service, click the Add service Add-Service-Button-50.PNG button. The following is a list of the service options and brief descriptions of what they do.

Inbound Voice

Inbound Voice services are primarily used for incoming calls and campaigns.

Outbound Voice

Outbound Voice services are primarily used for outgoing calls and campaigns.

Blended Voice

Blended Voice is a mix of both inbound and outbound voice campaigns.


Chat services are primarily used for incoming chat messages, including SMS/text.


Marketing services utilize email and voice campaigns for managing and gaining business leads.


Email services are used for both incoming and outgoing emails.

Select the type of service you would like to create
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