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Agent Dashboard Metrics

Most of the metrics available for display in the agent dashboard are also available via the real-time metric views of the supervisor’s desktops. You can find detailed description of those metrics in the Bright Pattern Contact Center Supervisor Guide. For general dashboard configuration settings, see section Teams.

The few metrics that are specific to the agent dashboard are explained as follows. Unless specifically noted otherwise with respect to a particular metric, all metrics are calculated since the reset time.

Service name

Service name is the name of the service for the related metric. Display of the service name is helpful if you intend to show any service-level metrics to the agents of this team and if this team provides multiple services.

Note that due to a limited space allocated for the metrics on the Agent Desktop application, if the given team provides multiple services, metrics related to those services will be displayed for one service at a time.

My Success Rate

My Success Rate is the percentage of interactions handled by the agent with dispositions indicating successful processing (dispositions of type Success) relative to all interactions handled by this agent. For more information about dispositions and their types, see section Services and Campaigns - Dispositions tab.

My Team Success Rate

My Team Success Rate is the percentage of interactions handled by all agents of the given team with dispositions indicating successful processing (dispositions of type Success) relative to all interactions handled by those agents. For more information about dispositions and their types, see section Services and Campaigns - Dispositions tab.

Call handling rate per hour

Call handling rate per hour is the total number of interactions of the given service handled in the last hour. This metric is not counted for email services.


Dispositions represents the number of interactions handled by the agent for the given service with the selected disposition. For more information about dispositions, see section Services and Campaigns - Dispositions tab.

Select the desired service from the drop-down menu on the left, and then select the desired disposition from the menu on the right. To display the total number of interactions for the given service that the agent completed with any disposition, select the Show total dispositioned calls checkbox.

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