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Known Issues and Workarounds

This page provides information about known issues for Bright Pattern Contact Center software.

Reports do not display properly in Firefox 67

Due to a JavaScript root name conflict between Google Web Toolkit (GWT) and Firefox, reports are not displaying in Firefox 67—running a report brings up a blank browser tab.

As a workaround to this issue, we recommend doing the following:

  1. In Firefox, navigate to about:config to bring up preferences.

  2. Search for preference security.webauth.u2f

  3. Set the value to false by double-clicking on the preference.

Embedded Agent Desktop Widget in Safari

Due to recommended system changes that address cookie handling in Chrome 80, the Embedded Agent Desktop widget (i.e., iframe) will not work in the Safari web browser. This issue affects only customers who use integrated Bright Pattern Contact Center software in third-party applications (e.g., Salesforce, Zendesk, etc.). Currently, Apple is working on a fix for this issue. Our recommended workaround is to use a web browser other than Safari. Note that users may still access the regular Agent Desktop application on Safari.

Externally Linked Images in Jaspersoft Reports

Bright Pattern tightened the security addressing a recently discovered Jaspersoft reports vulnerability in 5.5.5. As a result Jaspersoft reports cannot use links to external URLs (e.g., links to custom logos). Bright Pattern suggests using embedded images in reports, if a custom logo is absolutely necessary.

Workaround for Integration With Multiple Salesforce Accounts

If your contact center requires multiple Salesforce integration accounts to be configured, it is likely that you will encounter issues when requesting access tokens for any integration account other than the initial one.

That is, if you have successfully configured one integration account, while completing step 2 of the Add Salesforce Integration Account in Bright Pattern procedure for a subsequent account, when you reach the point where you click Request token, the login window that pops may appear with the URL of the initial Salesforce integration account.

Should you experience this issue, take the following steps:

  1. After configuring the initial account, clear all cookies from your web browser. Note that this action will log you out of the Contact Center Administrator application.
  2. Log back into the application and complete step 1 and step 2 of the procedure.
  3. When you reach the point in step 2 when you click the Request token button, a window will pop. Ensure that the URL in this window matches the Url configured in the basic properties for the subsequent account.

Note that this workaround applies to all versions of Salesforce (i.e., Classic, Lightning, and Service Cloud).

Windows Administrative Remote Assist Task Manager

Due to Windows Security features, agents may lose mouse and keyboard control over their Remote Assist sessions, but this will only occur when ALL of the following are true:

  • Customer is using Windows, AND
  • Customer is logged in as an admin, AND
  • The Task Manager is opened on the customer's computer, AND
  • The Task Manager window has a focus, AND
  • The Remote Assist session is not elevated

No matter how the Task Manager is opened, this specific combination of events may cause the agent to lose keyboard and mouse control.

To work around this issue:

  • Elevate the session, OR
  • Ask your customer to close the Task Manager while speaking with them via phone or chat
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