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Version 5.5.4

Bright Pattern Contact Center version 5.5.4 is a release that includes new features.

Note: If you are upgrading to this version from a previous release, be sure to review the prior release notes for any versions you may have skipped past, as these release notes include important information about features, defects, and upgrade notes for each specific version.


There are no notices to report for this version of Bright Pattern Contact Center.

Changes in System Behavior

This section describes changes in system behavior for this release.

Privileged Agents May Access Interaction Records

The agents with the privilege Listen to call recordings and view chat transcripts on assigned services will now be able to view the interaction details (e.g., accessed from a recording link from (SFDC) activity history record), including call recordings and chat transcripts, for calls related to their assigned services, in the Contact Center Administrator application, section Interaction Records.

Added/Updated Features

The following features have been added or updated for this release.

Enhanced (SFDC) Integration Features

For contact centers with (SFDC) integration, specifically Salesforce Lightning, version 5.5.4 introduces the following enhancements:

  • The deferredDial parameter may be added to the Agent Desktop URL. This parameter allows agents using the embedded Agent Desktop widget to open an SMS chat window with a “Dial” button, presenting them with an option to dial or send an SMS message. For more information, see the Integration Guide, section Configuring Click-to-Preview.
  • When an agent ends (i.e., dispositions) an interaction, the embedded Agent Desktop widget passes data to Bright Pattern Contact Center scenarios and workflows (i.e., if configured) with specific Salesforce variables. For more information, see the Integration Guide, section Salesforce Lightning Scenario and Workflow Variables.

Known Issues

For more information about known issues for Bright Pattern Contact Center, please see Known Issues and Workarounds.

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