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Version 5.3.6

Bright Pattern Contact Center version 5.3.6 is a minor release.

Note: If you are upgrading to this version from a previous release, be sure to review the prior What's New documents for any versions you may have skipped past, as these documents include important information about features for each specific version.

Changes in System Behavior

This section describes changes in system behavior for this release.

“Listen to call recordings and view chat transcripts on assigned services” Privilege

Starting from this release, the user privilege Listen to call recordings and view chat transcripts on assigned services will no longer require a supervisor license.

Added/Updated Features

The following features have been added or updated for this release.

Desktop JavaScript API and Embedded Agent Desktop API Changes

setRescheduleWindow is a new method that has been added to the Desktop JavaScript API and the Embedded Agent Desktop API. setRescheduleWindow allows you to reschedule outbound dialing retry time to be within a specific timeframe with the option to specify a time zone.

The postVariable method has been updated in the Desktop JavaScript API and the Embedded Agent Desktop API. postVariable now can be used to set activity history to service/campaign results.

Expanded Scheduled Reports Parameters

In the Contact Center Administrator application, section Report Templates, when scheduling hourly reports, the following options are added to the Time Frame reports parameter: Today and This Week. The new options allow hourly reports to generate data for the period of “today” or “this week” at the Repeat Every setting’s interval. Note that in Bright Pattern Contact Center version 5.2.x, it was possible to configure a Daily Report to run every 15 minutes and include data for Today; the new parameters make it possible to generate similar reports.

Email Queue Scalability

Version 5.3.6 includes performance improvements in queue handling that allow you to have more emails in storage and in the push queue.

Known Issues

For more information about known issues for Bright Pattern Contact Center, please see Known Issues and Workarounds.

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