Version 5.8.0
Bright Pattern Contact Center version 5.8.0 is a release that includes features and bug fixes.
Note: If you are upgrading to this version from a previous release, be sure to review the prior release notes for any versions you may have skipped past, as these release notes include important information about features, defects, and upgrade notes for each specific version.
Changes in System Behavior
This section describes changes in system behavior for this release.
Agent Desktop “Resolved” Case State Change
Cases marked as Resolved will now automatically switch to the Open state if a new email regarding the case is received prior to the case being Closed or if the agent uses the case on any interaction. Previously it would have to be manually changed.
Agent Desktop allows assigning a state to cases, which may be used to organize and classify case workloads. Resolved is the state assigned to cases that are completed but not yet closed, and is frequently the state where dispositions occur. Cases marked as Resolved can have changes made to them and will stay in the Resolved state for a period of time as configured by your administrator (defaulted to two weeks); after this point, the case will be assigned the Closed state.
Paginated Case and Email Content
Starting from this version of Bright Pattern Contact Center software, the maximum number of automatically displayed case and email activity history items is set to 50. Items 51 and greater will be paginated in groups of 50; their content may be viewed by selecting the Load older content or Load newer content buttons; content taking time to load will display progress indicators in the buttons’ locations. These changes are made in order to optimize the Agent Desktop application’s performance. For more information, see the Agent Guide, section My Cases Interface.
Added/Updated Features
The following features have been added or updated for this release.
Agent Desktop
“Bright Pattern Cloud Contact Center” Zendesk Application Updated
For contact centers integrated with Zendesk, the Bright Pattern Cloud Contact Center application (also known as the Omni-channel Cloud Contact Center for Zendesk) is updated to support browser-based phone audio (i.e., WebRTC). Note that these changes will download automatically.
Note: The Omni-channel Cloud Contact Center for Zendesk app is still pending review in the Zendesk Marketplace. Please contact Bright Pattern Customer Success to receive the file for a manual update.
Contact Center Administrator
“Bright Pattern Search Object” Block Now Searches Emails
If your contact center uses the Bright Pattern internal database, for both scenarios and workflows the Bright Pattern Search Object is now able to search CRM email object fields. For block configuration and a list of returnable email fields, see the Scenario Builder Reference Guide and the Workflow Builder Reference Guide.
Custom Icons for "Not Ready" Reasons
For any custom Not Ready reason you can now upload custom icons in the .SVG or the .PNG format. The maximum supported file size is 195 Kb; icons are resized automatically. For more information, see the Contact Center Administrator Guide.
IP Address for Successful Logins Displayed in the Audit Log
The Contact Center Administrator application’s Audit Log now displays the IP address for every successful login, which is displayed in the Summary data field.
New "Switch" Block for Scenarios and Workflows
Starting from this version of Bright Pattern Contact Center software, the Switch block is added to the Scenario Builder application and the Workflow Builder application. This block allows you to create branches in and alter the control flow for your scenario, based on specific variable values. The block can be used to create menus or flowcharts. For more information, see the Scenario Builder Reference Guide and the Workflow Builder Reference Guide.
Passing Email Data to an External Location
If your contact center saves email interactions and email metadata to an external location (e.g., a CRM integration), it is now possible to pass all customer email and agent replies to your external location via a workflow using CRM email object fields. For more information, see the Workflow Builder Reference Guide, section Passing Email and Email Updates to an External Location.
"Play-Listen" Block’s "Custom end of phrase silence time" Setting Now Available with Google STT
If your contact center has scenarios that use the Play-Listen block, note that the End of phrase silence time setting may now be used with Google synchronous STT. Previously, this option was available for IBM Watson SST integrations only. For more information, see the Scenario Builder Reference Guide.
Quick Reply Buttons for Chat Interactions
It is now possible for agents, bots, or the Scenario Builder application to present preconfigured chat responses to customers. The responses appear to customers as quick reply buttons in the chat interaction, which, when selected, allow customers to respond quickly to questions your contact center frequently receives. For more information, see Tutorials for Admins, section Streamlining Your Chat Service with Quick Reply Buttons.
IBM Watson Text-to-Speech Immediate Playback
IBM Watson Text-to-Speech supports no-delay playback that starts without waiting until the audio is completely rendered. The Bright Pattern integration now uses that capability by default, which results in much better, more responsive customer experience.
Recording Failure Indication in Reports
The value MANDATORY_RECORDING_FAILURE is added as a possible value for the disposition field of both the agent_activity table and the call_detail table.
The value will appear in the Call Detail Report and Call Detail CSV Report when a call is terminated due to a recording failure. Additionally, call recording interaction records will display the value. The option to terminate calls because they cannot be recorded was introduced in this feature was implemented in Bright Pattern Contact Center version 5.7.0.
Variable Parameter "escapejson" Introduced
Starting from Bright Pattern Contact Center version 5.8.0, the following parameter may be added to scenario and workflow variables: escapejson
When invoked, this parameter will escape (i.e., insert a backslash in front of) invalid JSON characters from the value of the variable, specifically double quotes (“), backslashes (\), and any control characters (e.g., \n). For more information, see the Scenario Builder Reference Guide and the Workflow Builder Reference Guide.
Known Issues
For more information about known issues for Bright Pattern Contact Center, please see Known Issues and Workarounds.