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Version 5.3.18

Bright Pattern Contact Center version 5.3.18 is a release that includes some features and bug fixes.

Note: If you are upgrading to this version from a previous release, be sure to review the prior What's New documents for any versions you may have skipped past, as these documents include important information about features for each specific version.

Changes in System Behavior

This section describes changes in system behavior for this release.

“Searchable” Checkbox for Custom Fields Renamed

In the Contact Center Administrator application, section Case and Contact Management, the custom fields setting “Searchable” is renamed “Searchable in scenarios and workflows” for clarification.

Added/Updated Features

The following features have been added or updated for this release.

Enhanced Omni QM Consult Call Evaluations

For contact centers with the Omni QM suite of features enabled, when consult calls are reviewed in the Eval Console, it is possible to navigate through the various call segments by clicking on the previous segment and next segment buttons in the playback controls. Each segment is presented with the specific caller and callee information in the header; the evaluation form, service, and screen recording are of the callee (i.e., user of final destination). Note that the number of segments can vary depending on conference call complexity. For more information, see the Omni QM Guide, section Evaluating Consult Calls.

Real-Time Agent State Information in Directories

In previous versions of Bright Pattern Contact Center software, the Agent Desktop directory showed presence information (i.e., available, on call, or away) for all types of users including agents and supervisors. Starting from this release, for agents and supervisors, the directory can show instead actual agent states including Ready, Busy, ACW, Not Ready supplemented with time spent in the state, and Supervising for supervisors. For the Busy state, the media type of the interaction is provided (i.e., call, chat, email, preview). For the Not Ready state, the reason for being in this state is provided also. For business users, the directory continues to show presence information.

The feature must be enabled for your contact center by the service provider. If not enabled, the current directory behavior (showing presence information for all users) is preserved. For more information, see the Agent Guide, section How to Use the Directory and section How to Make Consultations and Transfers.

Statistic Added to Real-Time Stats API

The runtime attribute is_super is added to the Real-Time Stats API; it returns the Boolean value “true” if a user has any Supervision privileges.

Additional Search Button Added to Interaction Records Search Results

In the Contact Center Administrator, section Interaction Records, an additional Search button is added to the Search >> Results page, which allows the user to rerun the current search and update the search results.

Spanish Localization for Agent Desktop

Starting from this release, the Agent Desktop application has been localized for Spanish-speaking markets. This localization includes supervisor views and functions but does not yet include Omni QM or Wallboard applications. To set the Agent Desktop language to Spanish, select this language as the primary language in your browser settings.

Known Issues

For more information about known issues for Bright Pattern Contact Center, please see Known Issues and Workarounds.

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