Version 5.14.0
Bright Pattern Contact Center version 5.14.0 introduces our new Remote Assist feature.
Note: If you are upgrading to this version from a previous release, be sure to review the prior release notes for any versions you may have skipped past, as these release notes include important information about features, defects, and upgrade notes for each specific version.
Changes in System Behavior
There are no changes in system behavior for this release.
Added Features
The following feature is added for this release.
Bright Pattern Remote Assist
This version of Bright Pattern Contact Center introduces Remote Assist capabilities, which allow users to see and interact with a customer’s desktop computer screen, as well as view a customer’s mobile device. This ability allows Bright Pattern users to help their customers by working the customer’s computer remotely as easily as if they were in the same room.
Bright Pattern Remote Assist allows your agents to do the following:
- Use their browser’s built-in display capabilities to conduct assistance sessions
- Initiate sessions via chat/SMS or phone call
- Conduct Remote Assist sessions within Agent Desktop or CRM integrations
- Pop sessions into a separate browser window
- Switch between customer monitor screens at the click of a button
- Exchange files with the customer’s remote file system
- Synchronize clipboards for text exchanges with the remote machine
- Have multiple agents participate in the same Remote Assist session
- Transfer sessions to another agent
- Keep remote sessions active so long as there is a participating agent
- Send keystrokes (e.g., "Ctrl+Alt+Delete") to the remote computer
- And much more!
The Remote Assist feature requires a license; without the license, Bright Pattern Contact Center remains the same as in the previous version. For more information on how to obtain a license and turn on Remote Assist, please contact Bright Pattern Customer Success.
Feature Highlights
Easy to Use
Agents with the privilege Initiate and conduct remote assist sessions enabled and permissions granted simply log into the Agent Desktop application and the Remote Assist feature is ready to use. Sessions are displayed one at a time; however, more than one Remote Assist session can be active simultaneously (i.e., depending on your contact center’s settings).
Sessions Can Be Initiated for Chat/SMS or Voice Interactions
Remote Assist sessions can be conducted for web chat, SMS, and voice interactions. For chat /SMS interactions, clicking a button preloads a link to a Remote Assist session into the user’s chat input box while simultaneously opening a Remote Assist session in Agent Desktop. For voice interactions, the agent can read an URL address and PIN for the customer to enter into their browser to enter a session. Short links have been enabled for easier readability. For both interaction types, customers will need to download and grant permissions for a Remote Assist application. MacOS users may need to take additional steps initially to grant permission.
Session View Can Be Popped into a Separate Browser Window
Agents can pop Remote Assist sessions into a separate browser window for easier viewing and interaction. If the agent wishes, the browser can remain open after the session has ended and any new Remote Assist session will open in the expanded window automatically. If agents switch back and forth between different customer interactions, the active remote sessions will present in the separate, popped window.
Switch Between Customer Monitors
While using Remote Assist, agents can click one button to rotate through any monitors available for viewing on a customer’s system.
File Exchanges
Depending upon privileges granted by your contact center, Bright Pattern agents may exchange files of up to 100 MB both to and from a remote desktop during a Remote Assist session.
Clipboard Synchronization For Text Exchange
By clicking the Sync clipboard checkbox, agents can remotely copy and paste from their desktop to the customer’s machine, and vice versa. For browsers that do not support this functionality, the synchronization option is grayed out.
Multiple Agents Can Participate on a Remote Assist Session
An agent conducting a Remote Assist session may invite another agent or supervisor to join the interaction. Once the invitation is accepted, both agents are capable of seeing and controlling the customer's screen; however, only one agent may have control of/interact with a customer’s screen at a time.
Transfer Remote Assist Session Transfers
When transferring an active interaction with a Remote Assist session to another agent, the session is also transferred; this applies to warm transfers and blind transfers. For blind transfers, note that the Remote Assist session will continue and not be terminated so long as the customer remains in the queue, though there may be no agent currently available to receive them. Joining PINs will expire after the last agent quits the session.
Sessions Remain Active
Remote Assist sessions remain active so long as at least one agent is participating in the session. If either the agent or the customer leaves the session accidentally, they have 30 seconds to rejoin the session by clicking on the Join button in the initial screen before the session is terminated. If the session is terminated, a new session must be initiated.
"Send Keys" Sends Keystrokes to User’s Computer
If agents need to invoke specific keystrokes for remote computers during Remote Assist sessions (e.g., "Ctrl+Alt+Delete"), the Send Keys button sends the keystrokes that cannot be transmitted naturally.
Remote Assist Tutorials
Administrators will be responsible for managing certain aspects of Remote Assist usage and configuration, including role and privilege assignment, Windows elevation, automatically popping Remote Assist for agents, and preinstalling the Remote Assist Client application (i.e., if Remote Assist will be used inside of your organization). For more information, see Tutorials for Admins, section Remote Assist.
Known Issues
For more information about known issues for Bright Pattern Contact Center, please see Known Issues and Workarounds.
Windows Administrative Remote Assist Task Manager
Due to Windows Security features, agents may lose mouse and keyboard control over their Remote Assist session, but this will only occur when ALL of the following are true:
- Customer is using Windows, AND
- Customer is logged in as an admin, AND
- The Task Manager is opened on the customer's computer, AND
- The Task Manager window has a focus, AND
- The Remote Assist session is not elevated
No matter how the Task Manager is opened, this specific combination of events may cause the agent to lose keyboard and mouse control.
To work around this issue:
- Elevate the session, OR
- Ask your customer to close the Task Manager while speaking with them via phone or chat
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