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Version 5.5.3

Bright Pattern Contact Center version 5.5.3 includes a new feature and various bug fixes.

Note: If you are upgrading to this version from a previous release, be sure to review the prior What's New documents for any versions you may have skipped past, as these documents include important information about features for each specific version.


There are no notices to report for this version of Bright Pattern Contact Center.

Changes in System Behavior

There are no changes in system behavior to report for this version of Bright Pattern Contact Center.

Added/Updated Features

The following features have been added or updated for this release.

Microsoft Graph API Succeeds Exchange Web Services for Microsoft Email Access

For customers using Exchange Web Services (EWS) for email (e.g.,,, Office 365, etc.), on Oct. 13, 2020, Microsoft stopped Basic Authentication for new email accounts of this type. Moving forward, all new email accounts will use the Microsoft Graph API for OAuth authentication.

For more information, see the Contact Center Administrator Guide, section Scenario Entries > Email.

Email Scenario Entries Account Property Changes

In the Contact Center Administrator application, section Scenario Entries > Email, changes have been made to the following Account tab properties:

  • The server type Microsoft Exchange is renamed Microsoft EWS.
  • Server type is renamed Protocol type.

Known Issues

For more information about known issues for Bright Pattern Contact Center, please see Known Issues and Workarounds.

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