Version 5.3.5
Bright Pattern Contact Center version 5.3.5 is a minor release with the following new features.
Note: If you are upgrading to this version from a previous release, be sure to review the prior What's New documents for any versions you may have skipped past, as these documents include important information about features for each specific version.
Features and Notes
Simplified Desktop .NET API Extensions
The following methods have been added to the Simplified Desktop .NET API:
- Method CallSetScenarioVariable can be used to set a scenario variable from the desktop.
- Method CallSingleStepTransfer can be used to initiate a single-step (blind) transfer of the current call to a specified destination.
Scenario Functions for Credit Card Validation
To support over-IVR payment solutions, the following scenario functions have been implemented in this release:
- validateCCExpirationDate - Checks the length and range of the entered expiration date
- validateCCV - Checks the length of the entered CCV
- validatePAN - Checks the length of the entered card number and, if applicable, applies the Luhn check
Encryption Settings Menu Relocation
In the Contact Center Administrator application menu, section Encryption Settings was moved from under the Quality Management section header to under the Security section header.
Added Chat Widget Styling Options
The following options are added to the Chat Widget Styling editor:
- When enabled, Remote editing allows agents to enter or update data via the customer’s screen. Note that this option is available only if the setting Enable cobrowsing is enabled.
- If the Emoji selector option is enabled, agents and customers can click on the emoji icon, which pops the emoji selector tab; when selected, the emojis will appear in chat messages. Note that this option is enabled by default (i.e., it must be disabled if the emoji selector is to be removed).
- The editable field Required Field text lets administrators configure the message that appears when required fields are not filled out. Note that this feature was implemented in version 5.3.4.
- The editable field Refers to Required Fields text lets administrators configure the message that appears when referring to required fields. Note that this feature was implemented in version 5.3.4.
For more information, see the Chat Widget Configuration Guide, section Chat Widget Styling.
New Proactive Offer Conditions
The following conditions are added to the Proactive Offer chat widget: Estimated wait time, below and Non-mobile browser.
The condition Estimated wait time, below allows administrators to show the proactive offer only when the expected time in the queue for customers would be less than the configured amount of time.
When configured, the Non-mobile browser condition allows proactive offers to be blocked on mobile devices.
For more information, see the Chat Widget Styling Guide, section Proactive Offer.
Maximum Concurrent Chats Per User
The setting Maximum concurrent chats is added to the Contact Center Administrator application, section Users. When configured, this option lets administrators define the total number of concurrent chats an agent will process at a given time.
Note that when set to a lower number of chats than set in omni-channel routing, this setting will impact agent occupancy, where 100% of occupancy will be the maximum number of chats from the omni-channel routing setting, and less when clamped down by this per-user setting (e.g., 4 chats in omni-channel routing - 100%, clamped to 3 - 75%). We will be addressing this in upcoming releases.
For more information, see the Contact Center Administrator Guide, section Users.
Pre-Chat Form Data Validation
In pre-chat forms, the data entered in the following field types will be automatically validated: phone number, callback phone number, email, or date; the data must be entered in the specified format before the form is accepted. Note that the validation functions are intended only to check that the entered data is entered in the correct format. That is, the functions are not expected to verify whether mailboxes, domains, or phone numbers actually exist, nor to modify the valid entered data in any way.
For more information, see the Chat Widget Styling Guide, section Working with Form Fields.
Co-browsing Indicator Variable for Reporting
The scenario variable $(item.coBrowsing) may be used to determine if a co-browsing session was requested by the chat client. The variable may be added to custom reporting fields in scenarios.
For more information, see the Scenario Builder Reference Guide, section Variables.
Co-browsing Configuration Note
For customers upgrading to version 5.3.5 who configured chat per the full chat code on older versions of Bright Pattern Contact Center:
If the togetherJS_enabled variable was used to enable co-browsing, after you upgrade, the Chat Widget Styling option Enable cobrowsing will have priority over the variable after any changes are made and saved in Chat Widget Styling. If you wish to configure co-browsing, we recommend enabling this setting in Chat Widget Styling.
Text Labels for Co-browse and Exit Icons
In the chat widget, tooltips containing text labels are added for the Co-browsing and Exit icons, which allows customers to see the names of the icons on mouseover.
Extended Knowledge Base Variable Functionality
The Knowledge Base answer variable $( is expanded to include chat interactions. That is, when this variable is used in Knowledge Base articles, the variable will populate with the name entered in pre-chat forms.
For more information, see the Contact Center Administrator Guide, section Knowledge Base.
CC/BCC Viewable in “Show Original Email Content”
When agents send outgoing emails that include CC or BCC fields, it is possible to see the email addresses from these fields when the Show original email content button is selected.