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Version 5.22.0 Release Notes

In this release, we've added a new option called Watson Assistant (API v.2) to the Bot/Chat suggestions engine type, allowing you to create new integration accounts using the enhanced Watson Assistant API v.2. The Watson Assistant (Legacy) option has been removed from the configuration screen for creating new integration accounts. This means you can no longer create new accounts of this type, but existing accounts are still editable and will continue to work.

We've also introduced several added and updated features, such as the ability to view and sort lists based on queuing priority, flexible record deletion API methods for Do Not Call Lists, support for Google Streaming Speech-to-Text enhanced mode, and we've made Korean language updates to enhance the user experience.

System Behavior Changes

Watson Assistant (Legacy) radio button removed from the integration account configuration screen for Bot/Chat suggestions engine type

This change affects users who create new Watson Assistant integration accounts. The option Watson Assistant (Legacy) has been removed from the Bot/Chat suggestions engine type dialog. This means you can't create new accounts of this type, but existing accounts are editable, removable, and will continue to work as long as IBM supports the Watson Assistant API v.1.
A new option, Watson assistant (API v.2), has been added to the Bot/Chat suggestions engine type. For more information, see Watson Assistant (API v.2) added to the list of selectable Bot/Chat suggestions engine.

Deprecated Workflow Builder blocks: Assign Case to Agent and Transfer Case to Service

The Assign Case to Agent and Transfer Case to Service blocks aren't available in Workflow Builder. This means you can't create new workflows that use these blocks. However, workflows that already implement these blocks will continue to work as they currently do.

Added/Updated Features

View and sort lists based on queueing priority in three different screens: Access Numbers, Dial-In Scenario Entries, and Messaging/Chat Scenario Entries

Now you can view and sort the queuing priority of entities in the Access Numbers, Dial-In Scenario Entries, and Messaging/Chat Scenario Entries screens. To do this, select a new column titled Priority. This column displays the queuing priority values configured for each entity. You can then sort the entities by their queuing priority value in ascending or descending order.

Two new API methods, Delete Records and Delete All Records provide more flexibility when removing records from Do Not Call Lists

If you only need to delete a few records from a Do Not Call List, you no longer need to replace the entire list. You can now use the Delete Records method to delete specific records, or the Delete All Records method to delete all records.

Added support for Google Streaming Speech-to-Text enhanced mode

The Google Streaming Speech-to-Text enhanced mode improves the accuracy of phone call transcriptions. To use this mode, select the Use the Enhanced mode checkbox and populate the URL in the Google Streaming STT Integration Accounts properties screen.

Support for IBM Watson Assistant (V2) added to the list of Bot/Chat suggestions engine types

A new option, Watson assistant (API v.2), has been added to the Bot/Chat suggestions engine type dialog, allowing you to create new integration accounts which implement the Watson Assistant API v.2 which offers significant advantages over Watson Assistant API v.1.

Korean language update

We've updated the Korean translation files for features and new user interface components that have been added since version 5.16.1.


This section contains essential notices for this release.

Recommended Browsers

  • Google Chrome 107 and later for Windows OS 
  • Microsoft Edge 13 and later 
  • Mozilla Firefox 94 and later 
  • Safari 15.1 and later for Mac OS X

Recommended Operating Systems

  • Windows 8.1, Windows 10, or Windows 11 
  • Mac OS X 10.15 (Catalina) + Chrome OS (support via auto update) 
  • Ubuntu 20.04 

Known Issues

Known Issues and Workarounds

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