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Version 5.3.7

Bright Pattern Contact Center version 5.3.7 is a minor release.

Note: If you are upgrading to this version from a previous release, be sure to review the prior What's New documents for any versions you may have skipped past, as these documents include important information about features for each specific version.

Changes in System Behavior

This section describes changes in system behavior for this release.

Callbacks requested for the day

Real-time metric “Callbacks requested for the day” has been improved to count calls that requested a callback option (as opposed to each separate request for callback). This prevents double counting of calls that may have requested a callback option more than once.

EWT Calculation

The formula used to calculate the real-time metric Estimated Wait Time (EWT) has been updated in order to improve accuracy. The update is a composite approach combining calculated EWT with real Average Speed of Answer (ASA) on the service. A composite approach allows EWT to better adjust to complex configurations (e.g., teams serving multiple services, blended services, scenarios that require specific skills sets in the Find Agent block, etc.).

Added/Updated Features

The following features have been added or updated for this release.

Twitter Integration

Bright Pattern Contact Center now integrates with Twitter for the purpose of allowing Direct Messages (DMs) to be processed as chat interactions. For more information, see the Twitter Integration Guide.

Screen Pop in Dynamics 365 for Preview Campaigns

For contact centers integrated with Microsoft Dynamics 365, it is now possible to configure an outbound Preview campaign to pop specific objects in your Dynamics instance. For more information, see the Microsoft Dynamics 365 Integration Guide, section Configuring Screen Pop for Preview Campaigns.

Added Fields in User Import and Export

The user properties “User must change password” and “Record calls” are added to the user import and export dataset.

Delete Option for Voicemail Greetings

In the Contact Center Administrator application, the Use this greeting for voicemail setting now includes a “delete” option that allows administrators to remove individual greetings.

Chat Widget Code Minification

The JS and CSS resources of the chat widget have been further minified for more efficient transmission over the Internet.

Notifications Prompt for Chat Widget

The editable field Notifications prompt is added to the Chat Widget styling editor. This field allows you to configure the text that appears at the top of the chat widget that prompts users to allow notifications from their web browsers.

Known Issues

Salesforce in Safari

Due to an issue with the Safari web browser, Safari does not always support embedded objects in iframe. This issue affects Bright Pattern users who are accessing Agent Desktop, which uses iframe, via Salesforce integration accounts.

In order to access your integrated Salesforce account in the Safari web browser, use the following workaround:

  1. Open the Agent Desktop application in a new window or tab in Safari. Log in to Agent Desktop.

  2. In a separate Safari tab, go to and log in.

  3. In Salesforce, click the phone icon to open the embedded Agent Desktop widget.

For more information about known issues for Bright Pattern Contact Center, please see Known Issues and Workarounds.

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